Chapter 95 - 95 swimming (1/1)

The second event was coming a nice dive into a lake in the middle of January I mean really who the hell designed this tournament it's like 5 degrees outside and the lake I worse I had bought some nice wet suits to help out with this problem for me Harry and Fleur poor Viktor gets to freeze.

There is no massive elaborate plan for this task me, Fleur, and Harry will all be using gillyweed I mean we could use scuba gear but i don't want to lol putting on all that stuff is a hassle and a half when you can just eat a plant and grow gills. We plan on a regular team effort minus Viktor.

I've scoped out the lake previously for the mermaid kingdom in the past few days and decided before the year is up they would be great for my kingdom I have no one currently working for me in my ocean or lake style backgrounds but the thing is I don't know how they will react to my kingdom i can't tell if they are animal or human like they kinda just look like full on fish almost just with arms maybe I'll just summon some I do have a bit saved up from all these months I'd probably build some underwater city like Atlantis just for the kicks.

so the even starts and I've noticed there's no way anyone can even see us the crowds just going to be sitting around waiting then talk to merpeople after to see who came first and what they did. everything goes off without a hitch I even stole some grindylows and other fish and I thought of nabbing the giant squid but he helps around if people are drowning or something so I leave him for now. we make it together to the city with help from lit wands and point me spells my hostage was Luna Fleur had her little sister Harry had Ginny and Viktor had the Beaubaxton girl. we all made it back around the same time our points added up with me still in the lead.

All we have to do now is prepare for future plans I know we have a maze filled with monsters i want that sphinx 100% there should be some of my minions the skrewts but they won't harm me. then I have to prepare for moody/crouch god knows he manipulates Viktor with the imperius to attack the other players we can't have that now can we. however I can't take him out until the cup is placed. also I rescued winky from the kitchen the house elf crouch fired with promises she could take care of a big family and lots of babies she was so excited she immediate stopped her Butterbeer drinking and got sober. by the way that stuff is great it's just like a warm butterscotch drink that heats you up with sugary goodness great for winters and I'll tell you it's cold up here in the winter drafty ass castle.

Now for the maze plan first off I'm going to explain things to fleur about it being a trap. I need Harry to get the cup though voldie won't take anyone else as his sacrifice for his body because he wants the protection Harrys blood carries so that needs to happen. second Harry needs to die at least once most preferable would be to voldies avada kedavra to kill the secondary soul shard in him. I need to be in the graveyard for this to happen. scary thought the original died there in the books I'll try to prevent that. I don't know who remains of the other death eaters but after that night I'll try to get them all. including karkaroff the durmstrang leader who runs off after voldie is revived. I'm going to wing some plans after this and try to get it all solved in 1 go. let's hope it works.

After That we need to have words with Dumbledore I want that elderwand then we need to get supplies and items stocked up and make everything good for future world travel I mean I can come back to this world all I want, after its done, and change or keep time how it is.

Those are just some of the plans I know I don't have all the magical plants or creatures I want yet so we will work on that aswell. we also need to have some discussions with Sirius and Andromeda about their sister the malfoy at some point so that we can get it all wrapped up. we want to tie up all our lose ends that way we don't have future problems to worry about if we leave and some douchebags start causing problems.

next I want to talk with the goblins and work out some goblin forged things like throwing knives I can poison with basalisk venom and stuff into my gate shit is op. it destroyed horcruxes so I think it may even damage souls I'll have to double check I think the only known cure is phoenix tears. at least in this world. there are many different world who have different cures and poisons and alchemists cultivation world's with nasty god slaying poisons people with nasty poison type bodies like the doulou dalu world and battle through the heavens and even against the gods. someday he will travel through these world's but not this day. he has to prepare a lot for these things. soon my friends soon.