Chapter 78 - 78. The next day (1/1)
He awoke to a beautiful voice babbling excitedly in french in his mind. whelp looks like the telepathy thing is true. it was his new Veela life mate going by the sound of it. now Veela my good sirs are counted as magical creatures and have different rules customs and magical abilities. They are known as creatures of passion and only female there are no males and they live in a type of coven. They can feed off of love and affection.Not like succubus who are known as creatures of lust feed off sex and life force and have incubus as a male form, big difference. They have certain abilities like the ability to make passionfyre bare handed it's a strong fire based on emotions and they have a half avian form you know beak feathers all that jazz. They have an allure which attracts others of the opposite sex and can be used for other things. They only have 1 life mate which they bond with which is often hard to find. It can be initiated in only a few ways firstly a life debt. Life debts can only be gained by doing something without the thought of reward or gain. Purely a heroic life saving event it's a small magical bond that can be used for certain things like exchanging the debt for a set amount of gold or magically forcing someone to be a servant or kill themselves. In the 7th book of Harry Potter Peter Pettigrew had gotten a life debt from Harry and Harry could have called it in and he did to have Peter free them from the basement in malfoy manor. That's the part where his silver hand he had gotten from voldy considered it betrayal and killed him by strangulation. what a way to go. next part of Veela mate bonds. Veela look for strong males with powerful minds to resist allure and have immense magical power. It's just what they want. now last night some of these things happened he saved her life without any thought of gain. he has a strong mind body and magical powers more so than regular wizards he practices on a daily basis most wizards take magic as a basic everyday thing and just use it whenever and wizard children see it all the time it's like if you had chocolate all the time you'd kind of be like meh chocolate everytime you see it. Veela will often change themselves to suit their mates desire or try to become more accommodating it's like an instinct to be good for their mate. The bond is til death when the mate dies the Veela will die as well like a life linked bond but only 1 way it's odd magic but you can't really explain magic sooooo. yeah. now let's have a chat with our new friend.
”Well good morning miss.” he speaks in his mind. The babbling goes quiet for a few seconds hearing a younger voice and catching her off balance. but than instantly accepting it and going back to talking.
”bonjour je m'appelle Fleur Delacour” (Hello my name is Fleur Delacour). Ah the French talk he knows she can speak kind of broken English with a heavy accent so he just kind of accepts it and replies. ”pleasure to meet you my name is Ryan Diggory. may I ask why you are able to talk to me in my mind?” he can't just up and say he knows about the mate bond right off the bat that would bring up questions he can't really answer as of yet but will later. also he might get information that he didn't realise. ”bien sûr, vous êtes mon compagnon de vie destiné” (of course you are my intended life companion.) she goes on to explain what he already knew with an excited sounded voice. There aren't many veela who find their life mates like she did and life debts can't be planned out if you have any knowledge of the event going to take place or have someone else plan it magic does not accept it as a real life debt. he knew about the campground attack he however did not know she was going to be attacked or anything of that sort he had no hand in planning or any I'll motives besides killing off death eaters he had no want for gain. he probably got more than just 1 life debt that night but he doesn't really care. the only one he has to care about is this one with the magical bond of life and death so he just accepts it I mean a beautiful platinum blonde french girl with almost unrivaled looks who wants him? yeah let's keep her. They talked for a while explaining where they were from about their families Ryans harem which is common in veela covens she didn't mind he didn't talk about his kingdom or anything not that he couldn't trust her it's just better explained when you can see it. they talked about meeting at hogwarts and that she would be trying to compete he talked mostly about the fight after the quidditch match she was most curious as to what happened. The daily prophet had claimed a mass break out from Azkaban (they were all dead he had stored the bodies) and that the dementors have run off then it went on about the attack at the campground showed pictures of the destruction and bloody ground and made a list of the dead and appointed funeral times for those who wanted to attend it was the biggest fight since the previous war if not more. there were some lies mixed in about dead ministry officials who had swapped sides fighting against the death eaters that Ryan killed who had died in battle heroically for some publicity to the ministry. to try to cover up the whole shit show of a break out and an attack. they blamed it on Sirius black well known right hand of voldemort leader of the death eaters who was probably off playing halo or something in the kingdom he'd turned into an Xbox nerd with james. after a long chat with fluer he decided it was a good time to relax the mind you can't be mentally well after a massacre you need some down time. so he invited the girls and Harry to his trunk arcade. they also weren't doing so well after seeing true combat like that for the first time they had killed goblins and such in the dungeon but humans were different. he should have saved some death eaters from Azkaban and maybe made them take one each but he didn't really want that in his eyes they are still kids. He wants to protect then as long as he can. They spent a good amount of time playing in the ball pit playing air hockey eating snacks and listening to music after that they winded down with some ninja turtle movies and some New York style pizza from the system it was pretty good.