Chapter 68 - 68. feelings (1/1)
(A/N first off my bad about not having at least 10 chapters out today yet. you guys know when it's cold outside and you like lay down on the bed and you cover up and get that super warm feeling and then you just pass the fuck out? yeah I had a nap. now onwards to victory my friends.) I awoke several hours later in a daze covered in girls ah such is the life of me the great king. we had went to sleep late past night talking about what kind of world's there were and I had told them a few of my plans and had them read books watch movies and other such things and write don't some good ideas some good people to recruit where to start what to do who would be good to recruit and who wouldnt. it was very informative and not just filler because the author practically ruined this and the last books plot line making the story boil down to like 8 chapters. nope not at all that didn't happen. *cough*. Most of this school year has been another boring school year learning about magical creatures and runes and practicing magical combat in the room of requirment. Hermione has slowly accepted the fate of the harem our bushy haired goddess has been accepted by the clan. it helps prevent her from talking on and on about muggle studies and the such if you just man up and kiss her to make her shut up. Like Luna did. it was pretty hot not gunna lie.
from then on it was all peaches and cream my friends. she joined in our nightly snuggle sessions but i wasn't the only one getting some romance no sir. Harry had hooked up with Ginny this past year with lots of peer pressure from the group including the twins and offers for double dates by me and my girls they had progressed quite a bit after ginny got that whole fan girl thing out of the way she had also joined us on morning exercises and was almost drooling as she stared at Harrys hot sweaty bod in the mornings we had to keep the little fireball from eating him right then and there we clearly know whose the man in the relationship. at 13 we had reached a bit over 5”5 feet thanks to simple potions to help body growth along and nutrient potions. my body had the perfect fighters build going on not bulky just compact and ready to go we lifted weights a lot and from all the sparring we were flexible from constant work out Neville still had a bit of baby fat but he was stocky like a tank build. Harry was still smaller and wirey kinda like a thief build glad he got that and not me the girls were getting small bumps and curves in the expected places all In all we were hot i had a fan club harry had a fan club the girls had fan boys its all okay until i get a yandere like collin I expect by next year to hit 6 feet at least our growth spurts are currently happening and you guys all know how awkward puberty is you ever remember random boner in class and like there's nothing sexy going on just out of nowhere like the teacher is talking about runes for purifying air and just *BAM* boner. and you get cranky or the girls get cranky then I have to spoil them with chocolate or pudding and back rubs and it just makes it much worse when there's 4 of them and you have to break out the shadows so you don't get jealous glares with murderous intent man. women are scary. and they then start asking all of these questions like am I fat how do these pants make me look or other random questions and you need to answer them just right or else your fucked. but even if you answer it's like they still get mad for another reason and you have to just suck it up and give them hugs when they cry out of embarrassment or something you have no idea what's going on your just like doing homework and one breaks down the others breaks down and you spend 2 hours telling them their beautiful and how much they matter to you and it's just been a stressful year alright?!?!?
Now we get on to our main issue for the day Pettigrew at the cost of the marauders map I made sure everything played out in the book I even let sirius break rons leg. we had invited him to come walk with us to the quidditch fields he had scabbars of course and bam big black dog attack near the willow. long dark travel down the tunnel shadow acts as a grimy decrepit sirius and spills the beans we can't have a good health sirius or lupin might ask questions at the wrong time everything goes exactly as planned Peter gets captured after Snape gets knocked out for being a nosey git werewolf lupin appears and Peter gets away while me as a bear and sirius in his dog for fight him off into the woods. the dementors come I steal them everything goes according to plan. step 2 begins. it's going to be a blast this next year but first we are going to tie up some loose ends after the world cup I need things planned out perfectly I can't have a massive murder spree going on in Azkaban that might scare off some of the death eaters and I want to get some of the hidden ones who attack the campground after the festivities. I don't want hidden troubles. I know I'll still get some but better to cut them down while I can.