Chapter 60 - 60. free money (1/1)
Ryan had informed tonks that she can bring her mother and father to the kingdom if they wanted to stay for a while and stressed the importance of it so soon after Andromeda and Ted tonks moved in near Sirius after a bunch of shocking revelations I mean who wouldn't be shocked and broken out prisoners and revived dead people it's a lot to swallow. after some long talks and with everything all settled in with his new civilians things were a bit too quiet for Ryans tastes so he decided it was time to mess with some people and get rid of others. first on his list of people to piss off was Lucius malfoy. his shadow waited patiently outside gringotts hidden from view and when after 3 days he spotted Lucius coming he snuck into his shadow and went along for a ride to his vault where after they entered he hid in some shadows of coins when him and the goblin left Ryans shadow looted it all Lucius malfoys estimated price was 321mgp (confirmed on google malfoy estimated to be worth 321285145 galleons straight from jk Rowling herself) which Ryan stole and all the artifacts in the vault it was the single most biggest haul Ryan had ever had in his life everyone was watching on stunned at mountains and mountains of galleons poured into the chamber while Ryan laughed like a maniac and dived on top completely losing his composure and he scrooge mcducked the whole thing his shamlessness knew no bounds (A/N I made a terrible mistake on how much Bellatrix lestrange bank vault contained i just now read that it's BELLATRIX LESTRANGE $2.1 BILLION (421686753 GALLEONS) right off the wiki from jk herself so I've technically made) 742.8million gp from both bank vaults if you don't believe me look for yourself with the other cash from the blacks vault it could almost be rounded up to 800 million gold this is the most rich he has ever been it's insane. he has no need for any more money right now he could almost buy everything he's a fucking billionaire meanwhile Harry still only has 300k bank value. he waited for the last person he was looking for someone of pure evil that needs to be put down it took a week before she appeared it was a giant pink toad by the name of Dolores umbridge in the last book she basically killed off muggleborns with snatchers dementors and concentration camps and she needs to die she is a bane on society he's gunna rob her too he can get 2 more small timers after this. same routine only this time while the Goblin wasn't looking he cut her throat from behind looted it all about 60k and just dissapeared. the last 2 were Avery McNair and Augustus rookwood from the department of animal control and department of mysteries he had a plan for rookwood and just hid in his shadow he killed McNair tho poor guy had 10kgp times are hard. He had trailed rookwood with multiple shadows when they arrived at the ministry with the rotating room of many doors he split off into the room of time and the room of death and stole all the time turners about 20 and robbed the entire veil of death and it's platform. On the dais stood the Veil, which was represented as a tall stone pointed archway that looked so ancient, cracked and crumbling that it seemed amazing that it was still standing (especially as it was not supported by any surrounding wall), and the archway was hung with the Veil; which appeared as a tattered black curtain, gently fluttering and swaying very slightly ”as though it had just been touched” (perhaps due to the souls of the dying passing unseen into the next life through it). Communication through the Veil appears to be impossible, though when a living person approaches it, the souls of the dead, recognising a loved one nearby, try to communicate.
Though the living could have the strangest feeling that there was someone standing right behind the Veil on the other side of the archway, their words are inaudible except for ”faint whispering and murmuring noises” coming from the other side of the Veil. When the living person tries to communicate, the dead try harder and their whispering and murmuring becomes louder. If those who hear the whispering stare at the archway long enough, they shortly become entranced and mesmerised by it, believing it had a kind of beauty about (old though it was), unknowingly walking towards it, intrigued by the gently rippling Veil, and feeling a very strong inclination to climb up on the dais and walk through it.
However, this would prove fatal, as passing through the Veil would cause instant death. The Veil reacts to the passage of a living person by fluttering for a moment ”as though in a high wind,” then falling back into place. It is impossible for others to pull whoever passes through out without passing through and dying themselves, and it was already too late for those passing through to be saved (despite only a few seconds passing), as they were already dead. all that was left was the elder wand he would someday figure out what this veil really is until then it was put into the gate away from prying eyes and wandering souls this object was dangerous beyond belief. it's scary how much he made recently and what he could do with it but he must not spend it all in one place.