Chapter 46 - 46. Guest (1/1)
After about 2 weeks of waiting around he decided to invite Harry over for the rest of the summer god knows the poor boy deserves to have a little fun he had told Harry how to use the Knights bus and asked him to get permission to stay over which they dursleys eagerly agreed to anything to get him and his owl out of their house. Harry arrived the same as ever in his enormously oversized hand me down clothes but all In all he looked much better he no longer looked like an underfed 8 year old and looked like a proper kid he was bulking up a bit and had some tan on him. he no longer needed his glasses after the trip to St Mungos the nutrient potions he had been giving Harry to fix the years of lack of food and proper exercise did absolute wonders and the morning runs and workouts not to mention the quidditch practice. you need strong arms and torso control to move brooms around and hang on like that so you don't go flying off at every turn. What needed to happen now is to get the boy some proper muggle clothes so they went on a trip to the alley and he had Harry visit gringotts so he can pick up some of his own money just incase he wanted some other things for his trunk or snacks that aren't available in the wizard world. Goblins do money exchanges too for people like the muggleborns it's 15 pounds for 1 galleon by them little money suckers. next they snuck over to the muggle side under Ryans invisibility cloak and proceeded to go shopping around london.
Now here we clarify a few things the currency system he had paid shop points so that it works for all world in the same way and gp transfers over to real cash 1 to 10 and can be converted back for the same price so let's say he needs 500 British pounds it automatically converts 50gp to pounds and when he stores it it goes back in the inventory now if he went to the one piece world it would turn into bellis and pokedollars in the Pok茅mon world and so on. Universal money system. Next up he had bought a universal language hidden system as well. You cannot be a multiverse traveler without being able to understand and speak other languages so he could speak everything from Spanish to parseltongue to Chinese perfectly. And finally he had bought an upgrade to the system that let's him hide his stats and other such things and show off what he wants it to show. there are some world's where they have their own unique systems and he can't go around showing off strange skills and settings whenever someone peeks at his stuff or is needed to be checked by the guards also it works to hide him from artificial intelligence like in dot.hack world or sword art online. we will get more into game world's later on they have special rules. With those 3 purchases he had spent a total of 75k shop points leaving him with around 30k left he cannot buy system upgrades with gold he must buy them with shop points it's locked in that way. you want a better system you upgrade it with system points. that is one of the shop point only items. well enough tall about that. Harry and Ryan spent the day eating at fast food restaurants buying clothes checking out the toy isles for Harry he's still a kid so he wants some cool toys too like remote control cars or things like transformers I mean the kid had no childhood basically and none of his own things while duddley got everything. so let the boy buy whatever he wants. everyone has hobbies and things they like. with Hermione it's books Luna it's animals and Pok茅mon with tonks it's fighting villains Daphne liked to do business and dabble in political debates. she's an odd duck that one. me I liked to collect things apparently from Mangas to those little pops action figures. I dunno what it is about them but I just want them. we finished our shopping and headed home for the day Harry had his trunk set up in my room by the way my parents where shocked about our trunks but I managed to bullshit my way out of it anyway they were also shocked about THE Harry Potter staying over this summer I mean he's the boy who lived but after a while they got used to it and welcomed him like family and he loved every minute of it. now let's describe my house it's not like super magical like how the weasley and lovegoods have their house it's just like and older looking mansion my parents where okay money wise and my father had inherited it it's basically a family home just like a regular mansion sure we had bits and bobs everywhere like a quidditch pitch. which I will apparently learn to fly on later much to my dismay but it's a good skill to have even if I hate heights I can stay low to the ground at the start when I'm learning and slowly get used to it no need to be a wimp. much to Harrys delight and my displeasure. however fish are still creepy with those dead souless eyes and I'm not going near them. we spent a lot of time either hanging out in the trunks with the girls and Neville even Hermione visited a bit though she was on vacation in France her parents were excited to see a real magical trunk and were in awe I mean I was too and I'm a wizard I'm still in awe about magic. it's worse for muggleborns cause they can't really show their parents magic unless they are at a wizards home. cause of the trace. Hermione thought it unfair but hey. What can you do?. I introduced Harry to his number 1 love a miss ginny weasley I had gotten most of the fangirl in her toned down and I loved to tease them talking about the old days where ginny would play house and marry him and all her signed books and asked her to join the Harry Potter fanclub I even had pins and Fred and George joined me in it a lot making them both blush. there will be no Cho chang crushing for him this time let's stomp that out unless..... should I feed his harem....hmm this seems like a problem oh well I have 2 years to figure it out that's when he pretty much pops into puberty. I'm not looking forward to my puberty for boys it's 12 -16 and girls it's 10 to 14 so my girls might already be experiencing it that's a scary thought I should be getting it soon and I'm not looking forward to random boners mood swings and pimples I'll have to get a potion for that from the shop I'm sure the girls would want some too but the thing I'm least looking forward too. squeaker voice cracks.