Chapter 22 - 22. first day of school. (1/1)
Ryan awoke with the koala like Luna sprawled put on top of him and his alarm blaring he did the wave trying to reach it and shut it off then quickly woke up Luna and both of them got dressed for a half hour morning exercise together in the gym and a quick shower (separately) in their own apartments. Noticing that Harry wasn't in the common room or bed he left towards the great hall with Luna to get some breakfast. Luna and Ryan sat across from Harry as Ryan quickly snagged the pudding away from Luna ”no pudding for breakfast eat real food first” she was pouting but he had to put his foot down about this or she would someday turn into pudding. in the end he won. he made himself some bacon egg and cheese sandwiches and sneakily kept one in his inventory for later. he noticed Harry looking bothered and glanced around finding the problem everyone and their grandmother seemed to be talking or pointing at him and he knew that Harry never liked his fame. ”what are you worrying about man they are just words it's not like they are stealing your underwear to sell on the market yet I can see it now boy who lived boxers fresh worn 15 galleons a pair” Harry looked shocked then just smiled wryly and went about eating his breakfast without much more thought about it. McGonagall dropped by handing off their schedules the first class they had was transfiguration and then charms and after that herbology with the hufflepuffs then lunch and defense against the dark arts then free time to study til dinner than bed as he was checking his schedule he noticed someone sit down next to him and felt a glare at the side of his head. he turned to see Daphne Greengrass staring at him with an inquisitive look. so he did what he usually does and gave his most charming smile and immediately said. ”I didn't do it.”
her eyebrows scrunched and a tiny scowl appeared on the corner of her lips but it quickly returned to her regular icy appearance ”I haven't even said anything yet?” she said
”I know I just wanted to deny it first just incase”
”then tell me how you did it ” she replied
”how I did what?” he asked
”how you made the hat put me in this house” she said snappily
”ooooohhh that.” he replied and waved his hand for her to come closer
he leaned in and whispered right in her ear with his hot breath ”bribery and seduction and if you ask why I'll tell you it's because.....” and he just blew in her ear slightly making her blush before hopping up and heading to the common room to grab his books for class leaving her flustered and gritting her teeth while Harry chuckled across from her and he quickly shut up when she glared at him and he ran off after Ryan.
gathering his books and heading off to class with the other first years they had classes with the ravenclaws for this period everyone piled into class noticing a tabby cat sitting on the teachers desk and some people asking if it was the professors but Ryan knew he slowly walked forward and stared at the cat then picked it up and started petting it and shouted ”Alright class today I'm going to show you a quick and simple survival magic trick that may some day save your life wands and books out please.” everyone was confused and curios and McGonagall in his arms was curious as well. ”now class the first basic spell I'm going to teach you is called patera. it has a basic wand moment of a flick now follow my hand moments” flicked his wand a few times and corrected some people and continued on when just about everyone had it. ”now this magic relies heavily on imagination does everyone understand?” he got quite a few nods ”now what I want you to do is imagine in your head a bowl like what you use for breakfast or dinner does everyone see it clearly in their mind?” more nods now concentrate on the bowl flick your wand at your book and say Patera in a nice loud voice with confidence!” he flicked his wand at his book and said ”patera” sitting there was a neat little bowl with ripple designs. everyone seeing that he had done it were confident they could do it and that's half the problem in Magic just believing you can do it. numerous spell shouts where heard and more than 3/4th the class had a nice bowl he moved around petting the cat and helping out the student who were struggling until finally everyone had a bowl. ”now the second spell we are going to learn is called aguamenti say it with me class.” ”aguamenti!”x the whole class. ”now this spell is a simple point with your wand and imagine and stream of water.” he demonstrated with his own bowl filling it with water. ”now class give it a try.” they all became eager to try after their latest success and almost all of the class succeeded but 1 or two who he helped. ”now class I want a foot of parchment on how this spell could save your life turned in by tuesday” Hermione was furiously taking notes. ”now for a special treat I'm going to show you my ultimate magic I'm going to turn this cat into a person.” the class all looked eager to watch
” the first thing you do is you take your cat and you dunk it in your bowl of water.” as he moved towards his bowl McGonagall quickly jumped out of his hands and changed back into her human form and shouted ”Mr.diggory!” the class was shocked and he instantly took a bow they all started clapping thinking he did something amazing. McGonagall gave all sigh.
”20 points for showing your classmates exception magic all helping them achieve it now please back to your seat” he snickered and scurried off leaving the class a loss for words. after that McGonagall gave her strict no nonsense lecture about not playing around in her class or being kicked out. everyone took it very seriously. class went quite well after that with everyone talking about what they learned.