Chapter 15 - 15. so it begins (1/2)

time goes by I've studied almost all the basic classes for the first year at hogwarts and can do most of my spells wand less I still have a bit of trouble doing it silently but it's coming along I learned basic potion ingredient refinement and how to handle a small potions lab thanks to mother I'm pretty good at it but I know snapes gunna be a cunt regardless unless I'm in slytherin which I won't be I'm planning gryffindor gotta help the golden boy behind the scenes and I'm planning a massive prank I'm so excited I bet Fred and George will flip if it works. other than my basic spells I've often snuck out to work on spell dodging with my shadows they cast a paint spell at me and I run around rolling and dodging if I get hit I start again it's great exercise and good for small combat practice I've also started practicing my martial arts against them I've learned not to close my eyes or flinch when I see something coming towards me I've also been slowly training Luna in wand less and silent casting she's rather good she does know how to use daggers now too she doesn't have much prospects in other hand to hand for some reason but she's absolutely terrifying with a dagger she has this small little precognition that helps her dodge and where to stab I and the shadows have never beat her once and I've never heard the end of it from Cassie or Luna speaking of which I've introduced Pandora and Luna to my kingdom needless to say they were flabbergasted with Luna squealing at such a high pitch I thought my eardrums would rupture.

Luna:your a knight? how come you didn't tell me?

she makes a sad face

Ryan:I'm not a knight I'm a king and someday you'll be one of my queens.

Luna: one of?

Ryan: ask your mother the harem must be fed.

Luna: harem??

after that I introduce them to Cassie and give them a general explanation of who and what she is and how my kingdom functions. I show them around the newly furnished castle and smithy and take them to my new gym which has all sorts of exercise equipment for knights and even a medium sized pool. Luna goes absolutely bonkers and begs for swimming all the time now and playing in the castle like a real princess. I wonder what she will say once the ranch opens up anyway I show them my library with a couple hundred books including Anime and introduce them to the wonders of big screen HD TV and dvds it's an instant hit especially Disney movies I'll tell them about video games later. we spend time there with Cassie doting on us often pinching my cheeks and strangling me with hugs cause I'm tiny and cute. our days pass peacefully until it happened.

I got my hogwarts acceptance letter.

it was here the start of the story where everything really begins.

I was excited Cassie was excited my parents where excited the gnomes where excited I'm taking them with me they need a new battleground I've decided the castle and the Forbidden Forest shall be their proving grounds.

but enough about that back to the letter!




Hogwarts acceptance letter


Hogwarts acceptance letter

Object information


Hogwarts School


Confirms a student's acceptance to Hogwarts


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


The Hogwarts letter is a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry sent to British wizards and witches prior to their first year at Hogwarts. A special quill exists which writes down the name of every magical child in Britain at the time of their birth, allowing Hogwarts letters to be sent to all magical children at the appropriate time, even those who are Muggle-born. The Hogwarts letter consists of a note of acceptance from the Deputy Headmaster or Headmistress of Hogwarts and a list of required textbooks and materials for the school year.

The letter is written on parchment paper and delivered to the recipient by owl, except in the case of Muggle-borns and magical children living with Muggles (such as Harry Potter), where the initial acceptance letter is delivered by the regular Muggle post. Hogwarts is able to magically tell whether or not a child has read his or her Hogwarts letter, as evidenced by the bombardment of 4 Privet Drive with letters, despite at least one of them having been opened and read by Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

The letter says:

”Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry