Chapter 10 - 10. the life of a baby king (1/1)
I woke up a few hours later to Luna crying because we had to go home I was sad but gave her a hug and she calmed down I'll be back to play next week or so mom thanked Pandora for watching me and scheduled another play date and then we headed home where I got a nice meal of applesauce and mushed peas and then the ever horrifying bath time curse this infant body. then off to bed time.
my days after that consisted of crawling slowly learning to walk at 6 months playing with Luna that ball of sunshine who call me big brother we'll fix that later whose utterly attached to me apparently I smell like nature and fresh grass all the time because of my farm system and she enjoys it I got a mandrake from Pandora and some other nice seeds getting me to level 6 in my farm allowing me to make plants into seeds oddly I couldn't make mandrakes into seeds the apparently mate in some odd way and just reproduce like that I dunno I have like 10 of them now and like anything else in my farm they have 100% loyalty and don't scream when repotted I don't know if they can kill me with a scream in my kingdom but I'd rather not find out. my shadows have finally split and now I have 2 of them I let the one who trains my gnome knights stay small and continue their training they've started to build primitive huts they are learning quickly the second one however I gave a nice persona and made him look a little dashing he works in a nice tea house in London I have dipsy bring him there each morning the magic ID works wonders it's a little bit of cash for spare items he makes about 8 pounds an hour which is close to a galleon an hour it's not much but it's something right? I've gained some tea making skills from it as well now I'm fancy. I bought some more basic combat skills including knife skills and throwing knife skills just because. I want a shadow assassin guard at some point just in case. I've raised most of my combat skills to medium grade or almost medium grade my occulmency is still stuck at master it's gunna take a while to get it up my shadows need 250k points to make the next one I was worried it would just keep doubling everytime i wanted a new one but apparently it stops going up at 10million it was a trade off for some skills I can't use since I'm not from the shadow hack world and it can't really be upgraded so it's mostly just permanent shadow clones I guess but that's okay. I've gained about 450kgp from farming I used quite a bit of it on upgrades for the kingdom such as basic sewage new furniture more books for the library such as basic magic books basic materials like cauldrons and a small fortune on a greenhouse next to the castle for rare plants and herbs including upgrading my dirt with dragon fertilizer which gave it's a 15x boost to plant growth I also used a bezoar in my spring so it cures basic poisons the spring can take in many kinds of liquids and items to help it like if I got fresh hotspring water I could make a hotspring for special fish or if I got phoenix tears for healing which I can't because the only known phoenix currently in England or anywhere right now is dumbledores and I'm not asking for anything from him right now maybe later with some ashes for my dirt I cannot buy items from my shop to upgrade my own system it doesn't work I have to find the items at least once so far everything is going well I've learned to use the lumos spell bare handed it's hard tho and I can't do it silently and it drains me of a lot of my magic power but it helps to practice I do this secretly I don't want people thinking I'm some genius gotta be low key. I've caught sight of the daily prophet apparently the murders have gotten even more severe and there was an attack on diagon alley last week 8 dead apparently 6 more months til this is over give or take then it's 10 years of quiet I apparently won't be getting any quests til I'm 5 then I can work on basic chores for an allowance and basic sp I can't train my body in anything other than magic and occulmency until then either I don't want some warped child body with bulging muscles and stunted growth that's not healthy and then I can only do some small exercises for flexibility and a little bit of strength I'm talking like 10-15 push ups and sit ups maybe a few squats that's it I'm not some freak like goku I'm a real boy I can practice some martial arts through my shadows maybe I'll put one in a karate class to learn faster.
I've asked mother to teach me how to read and I follow along and slowly learn so as not to frighten her I mean I went to college I didn't graduate but I went that counts for something.
I plan to continue working on my kingdom and setting up a strong basic foundation for magic and martial arts even the tallest mountains crumble if their foundation isn't sturdy I've begun learning basic transfiguration not practicing it just learning from what I can tell it's highly based off will power and imagination I'm especially looking forward to one day becoming an animagus there's 2 ways to do it one is through occulmency and meditation with use of mandrake leave lightning and chants the other is a highly expensive potion that let's me pick what I become with the hair of an animal I'm gunna go with the second one I already know the first one would turn me into a big Ole bear that's just how it's always been even in my past life I was called rybear just a big relaxed guy always lazing about kinda like baloo from the jungle book and that's just not a kingly animal to be. a lion? no no no. a dragon? noperino. a wolf? nahhh. you'll learn someday. I Was practically vibrating in excitement when I saw the potion but then I saw the price it would take me about a year of scrounging and saving for it 1.5m gp I can't do it anytime soon the kingdom needs work I need a nice energy system then maybe a custom built dungeon but those cost millions and millions the dungeon is so that people living in the kingdom have a way to earn gold which can be used at random shops to purchase basic good and weapons we can't have a kingdom that isn't selfsustaining if there's no work except farming for food how will my people grow and prosper where will the coins come from no no no sir we can't have that we need an economy for jobs we sell the basics and others make jobs for better items like potioneers and blacksmiths warriors and mages we need teachers and bakers cakesmiths my good sir I just make the basics I give out jobs to process goods your kingdom has to run like a well oiled machine it can't sit upon the shoulders of one or two. that's the lonely path we won't walk that. later I'll join in grail wars and dungeon raids I'll fight against demons and humans alike and at my back shall be my kingdom striking fear into all those who dare cross us. until then I'm going to eat my graham crackers and nap.