Chapter 2 - 2. The world and the wishes. (1/2)

Ryan: well then for my first wish. do you know the novel bringing the farm to live in another world?

God: ah yes that's a good story let me guess you want the qq farm system oddly Noone else has ever asked for that one before. may I ask why you want that one?

Ryan: well it may seem like something small but in my life my family liked to move around all the time and we never really stayed in the same place.....

God: ah I get it you want a stable home for yourself and your family should you get one. plus the fast growing food means things to eat and sell great choice my boy.

Ryan:thanks although I would like to trade some parts of the system for something else if that's okay?

God:sure what would you like to trade?

Ryan:I want to trade away the instant kill flyswatter the instant capture hand the locust swarm and the mosquitoes for other stuff.

God: that a lot of over powered things your trading away are you sure it's worth it and what would you like in return?

Ryan: being too over powered won't make this any fun I've seen what happens to Saitama in one punch man his life is kinda sad.

God: indeed it is.

Ryan: well for the first thing I want to make it my safe haven so no one can get in unless I let them in including godly being that's my home I want it fully safe and protected.

God: good a home should be where you have no worries and can relax after a hard days work.

Ryan: second I want something like the helper from the castle of black iron novel I want them to also be my artificial intelligence for my system.

God: ooh that's a big one I'll take 2 pieces for that.

Ryan: that's okay it's worth it the last one I'll save for my next wish as it goes together.

God: okay so what's your second wish.

Ryan: my second wish is for a custom Anima style system but I want a fair system none of that op crap I've read in the novels where he gets like super items and bloodlines in every quest I want to earn it any quests given will only cost points and I want them to all be optional I don't want to be forced to do crap or have my things locked I know how it usually works.

God: wow your kind of untrusting but given your knowledge of novels I guess you really have a point. so describe how you want your system and I'll make it.

Ryan: alright you know the basics about systems I want the classic. here also comes the other part of my first wish I want the ai linked to this system and the last one.