Chapter 11 (1/2)

I didn’t bump into anyone on my way to my room. I squeezed my body through the door, then used magic to close the door. I wanted to eat some sweet honey and fruits since I was in a foul mood.

Well, he has people to protect him.

When I showed him generous tolerance, he just kept blinking like an idiot. But when his father came, he ran towards him all cheerful.

Idiotic people.

I looked down feeling disappointed.

My knees hurt.

To make matters worse, my knees hurt which annoyed me. Even though I trained my knees, it still hurts.

I crawled to the centre of my room and I sat my butt down. I stretched my short legs and saw my dirty outfit. I wiped my overworked knees with my small hands.

Ouch, it hurts.

My knees aren’t going to fade away like this, right?

I pat off the dirt that was on my hands and got some fruits. The red fruits on my legs looked delicious.

Kapletely disappeared. It’s as if something is covering the window.

“Grab it! It’s heading towards the estate!”

“It’s trying to get it!”

The voices from the clacking windows seemed to be in a hurry, but why?

As I held onto the red fruits in my hands, I was barely able to turn my fragile head.

Actually, my head couldn’t turn well in general, so I had to wiggle my butt around to correctly face the window.

In front of the window was a mysterious, yellow-eyed beast covered in blood. Its four beastly legs were covered in fur. The beast appeared to be rugged and strong but had injuries all over its body. The gryphon was panting and glanced into my room through the window.


The gryphon tilted its head. It wasn’t cute though, instead, it sent shivers down my spine. That’s what gryphons do when they’re assessing their opponent — when it’s deciding whether its food or an enemy.


I’m screwed.

That carnivorous gryphon decided that I was food. As long as it was meat, they didn’t care if it was an animal, beast, or a human. Gryphons have extraordinary vision and smell and are obsessed with the color red. They even learned that fresh new meat will drip fresh red liquid. (1)

And currently, I am…

Aren’t I completely covered in red?

My mouth and hands are covered in the fruit’s red juice and I probably smell pretty fragrant from the fruit too. I immediately shoved all the fruits in my hands into my mouth.

The gryphon quickly tilted its head left and right. It seems it’s still deciding what I am.

I grasped the situation and placed my sticky, fruity hands on the ground and tried to crawl away but the moment I did, the gryphon screeched.

Kabine the unripe fruit and rose leaves together, it’ll make the smell gryphons hate.

It was a good idea to grab some leaves when Sharendt Crown annoyed me…!

They say that gryphons are sensitive to smell and that this smell, will make them lose their sense of direction, and sometimes, even their sight.

I held the fruit in one hand and the rose leaves in another.

I just need to combine these together and then use gravity magic to throw it at the gryphon’s face…!

But what am I supposed to ground it with…?

I blinked my eyes while holding on to the fruits and leaves. The gryphon quietly watched and blinked with me. Then it growled and tilted its head.

I can’t effectively use magic to ground these up yet. The most I can do are the basics, gravity magic, or magic to turn the door handles.

To mash these up I’d need rocks, or well, rocks… something heavy like rocks…

Shit, I don’t have rocks!

I bundled up the rose leaves and fruit. I held onto the bundle and started to press on them.
