138 Power Games (1/2)
Harold and Gladys waited impatiently for the Ramsey clan to return from their expedition to Yule Point. They wanted to tell them about the gold. But when the Ramseys did return, everything was turned upside down.
Dave was limping very badly, and sported a black eye. Sean's face was dark with bruises, and one of his eyes had swollen shut. But it was the brave, confident Jason that got hurt the most. His face on one side had been flayed open. It was bleeding badly, and so were half a dozen other wounds on his arms and neck. The man he'd hit at the beginning of the fight had taken revenge once the fighting was over.
The women didn't fare so badly. Maureen had been slapped around a little for being slow when the leader of the attackers ordered her to hand over the bag with water and implant kits. Jessica was threatened with **** and got her bottom pinched so painfully that she squealed, which caused much merriment among the ruffians. They were in a very good mood after they'd found the implant kits - so good that they didn't carry out their threat to **** both women, and beat the men senseless.
The injuries the men suffered anyway were bad enough to qualify for a hospital visit, back in the old times. Fortunately, no less than three doctors were present: Dave, Sean, Maureen. Dave had a cabinet full of medical supplies at home, including surgical needles and thread. They came in very handy: Jason alone required a total of thirty one stitches. It was late in the evening by the time everyone was patched up.
Harold and Gladys were horrified to see what had happened to the Ramseys. Neither of them said a word about the gold they'd discovered in the New World. They had plenty of questions to ask, instead. When they'd learned everything about the ambush on the road to Yule Point, Harold said:
”I have a feeling those thugs are connected to Rizzo.”
”Interesting,” Sean said thickly. He had difficulty speaking: one of the blows he received had nearly dislocated his jaw, and another caused him to bite his tongue so badly it was swollen to twice the standard size.
”He's working for the government, so he would have known about the colony launch locations. When he was in the drug business, he had a number of scummy types working for him. They probably still do.”
”Never mind all that,” Dave said wearily. ”What matters is that they've stolen six implant kits.”
”Don't worry about that,” said Harold. ”We'll dig into our secret supplies.”
”We don't have that many left there, if you consider the seedlings and animals we planned to replicate once everything legal. And anyway, I'm not going to let this slide. I'm going to see Henry first thing tomorrow to give him a piece of my mind. Harry, can you come along?”
”Of course.”
”There will be no more of this Yule Point nonsense. And I'll demand replacement kits for the ones that got stolen.”
”Oh, things will get tricky all right,” said Dave through clenched teeth. ”But not for us.”
They all went to bed soon afterward, and Harold hadn't had the chance to tell Dave about the gold until they met up in the New World.
This turned out to be unnecessary. Harold and Gladys went to sleep after the Ramseys. When they arrived in the New World, Dave and Susan already knew all about the gold.
They killed and roasted two rabbits in celebration, and seriously depleted the small store of mead they'd made from wild honey. The New World Dave had none of the injuries sustained by the original, and they all got very enthusiastic about their life in the New World.
After a heated discussion, they also decided they'd follow Rizzo's advice, and register a mint. It seemed the sensible thing to do given their golden find, but no one was very happy about that. Operating a mint meant a lot of work that meant spending more time back home, and less in the New World.
Dave and Harold also had a long talk about sharing power in the New World.
”Gold changes things,” Harold said, and Dave agreed. They decided not to tell Sean and his family about the gold for the time being, and swore their wives to silence.
Early next morning, following a frugal breakfast, Harold and Dave set out for a showdown with mayor and governor Henry Deacon. Mayor and governor Henry Deacon kept them waiting for almost an hour before they were admitted into his august presence. It made them more feisty than they had planned.
Deacon rose from his chair to greet them wearing the look of a lord being bothered by some of his less intelligent minions. However, his expression changed quickly when he saw Dave's injuries.
”Crikey! What happened to your face, Dave?” he said.
Dave was more than happy to tell him. Dave told him everything from start to finish, sparing no detail. He concluded his story with some insights about the role Deacon played in the incident.
”You nearly got us killed, you fuckwit,” shouted Dave, and it was one of the milder statements he made about Deacon's intelligence.
”By pals of your crooked tax collector,” added Harold. That really hit Deacon hard. He blanched, and hid his hands behind his back: they'd started trembling.
”Pals of my tax collector? What makes you think that? Have you got any proof?” he asked, doing his best to appear both outraged and calm, and failing miserably.
”I've seen those bogans before,” said Dave. ”They worked for Rizzo when he was pursuing his previous career.”
”They probably still are,” said Harold.
”They stole six implant kits. More than half! You're going to replace those kits, Henry.”
”I'll do everything I can to resolve this situation,” Deacon said evasively. ”Harold, you were there with Dave?”
”Ah,” said Deacon, a note of satisfaction appearing in his voice. ”Dave, do you, um, have someone to corroborate your statement?”
”Yes, I have!” shouted Dave. ”My whole fucking family. You want me to bring them over? They all want to meet you. They all want to talk to you. They are all dying for a chance to tell you how much they appreciate your bright ideas.”
”All right, all right,” Deacon said hurriedly. ”I will trust you on this, Dave. Six implant kits? You want them now?”
”Of course I want them now.”
”All right. And I'll arrange for someone to escort you home,” said Deacon. ”Oh by the way, Harry. Have you launched yet?”
”Yes I have,” said Harold. He bent his head and spread his hair with his fingers, revealing the glowing blue dot.
”Excellent,” said Deacon. ”Wonderful. Actually, I was near your site in the New World the other day. Thought I'd drop off a couple of useful things, like basic clothes and tools. But the bloody boat struck a reef and we turned back. Had no idea there'd be a reef there. That stretch of beach in front of your house is free of reefs. You launched from your house, am I right?”
”Yes,” said Harold. ”And that's where Dave will be launching, too. No more of that stupid Yule Point business. You've already agreed we can merge our ventures into one.”
”Now, that is not the way it should be done,” Deacon said. ”I have clear instructions - ”
”Henry,” said Dave. ”You can shove your clear instructions. Anyway, you can tell the moron that issued those instructions that they were obeyed to the letter. Can't you?”