30 The Worst Plan for the New World (1/2)

”Is this a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?” asked Lea Panatella, grinning coquettishly. She took a step forward, which brought the tips of her Zeppelins into contact with Carlton Brock's chest.

Carlton grinned too, but took a small step back. Lea was a hell of a chick. That was why he'd made her Chief of Staff. But the President of the United States did not fuck around. No sir!

Carlton Brock was married to the daughter of the chairman of his party. She was pretty and wealthy and had been very determined to become the First Lady. She had badgered her pa until he threw his support behind her husband in the primaries. These concluded with Carlton Brock being elected his party's candidate for President.

Marrying the party chairman's daughter had been a very smart move. There was no way Brock would allow anything to upset the relationship he had with his wife and thus with her father, the party chairman.

He looked at Lea and said:

”It's a gun. I'm going to spend the afternoon out. Gotta show the people the boss is here, and in charge. No TV, Lea. We've been heavily fucked by no TV. And they still can't sort out the power thing. Small generators and battery-operated stuff work fine, but that's about it. So I gotta hit the streets and walk around a little and smile a lot. You know how it goes.”

”Walk around? Mister President! If battery-powered appliances and generators work, so should car engines. Can't you ride around in a vehicle?”

”The cars, all the vehicles are still fucked, Lea. Don't ask me why. I don't know.”

”It's because they are loaded with electronics. But remember that Studebaker that's on display at the car dealer's a few blocks from here? You commented on it last time we passed it. I think a car like that might work.”

”It might, Lea! You're right! You're a genius, that's who you are. I should make you Minister of Industry or something. Get going on that Studebaker thing. I, uh - what am I supposed to do next?”

”I'm not sure,” said Lea. ”You told me the plan has changed. That the economics meeting ended early, and that the schedule for the rest of the day might be reshuffled. Has it been reshuffled, mister President?”

”Nah, it hasn't. Everything goes on as planned. It's just that the meeting on world economy wrapped up real fast.”

”Is that good or bad?”

”Good, I guess. Everyone agreed we're introducing a new, universal, world currency based on gold and silver and stuff. And that there is going to be a global minimum guaranteed income program. And no income tax, but a big, big increase in taxes worldwide. Everything's going to be taxed at least 100%, Lea. Energy in all shapes and forms - 500%. That includes all appliances, all machines that use fuel or electric power. The base charge for electric power is going to be raised, too. Ten times, Lea! One... thousand... percent. You know what this means? No more holidays on Bali for this boy here, or for you, or for anyone else. Except for the guys that live there, of course.”

”A thousand percent! I'd better remember about switching off the lights when I leave a room.”

”Yeah. Well, gotta get money somewhere to fund this guaranteed income business. Things are going to get pretty interesting moneywise, Lea. My tip: any money you have, you better invest it all in gold jewelry, and do it quick.”

Thank you, mister President. You look after me so well. You look after all of us so well. We all really appreciate it.”

Clayton Brock smirked and adjusted the blond lock that kept falling over his right eye. He said:

”Right. So what am I supposed to do next?”

”A conference on the administrative and economic system in the New World. Guido Worst.”


”He's another of those geniuses with solutions.”

”Hey, don't knock geniuses, Lea. This Troll guy came up with some pretty good stuff. Know who has the biggest gold reserves in the world? We do. And gold will rule the new currency. Nice, eh? That Patel woman also made a big contribution. It was her idea to tax energy so heavily.”

”You liked it?”

”Sure I liked it. I like to take a walk in the woods sometimes. You know what's been happening to jungles, forests, stuff like that. We gotta cut consumption of energy.”

”Of course.”

”Okay. Now run along and get going on that Studebaker. I'm off to see the Worst. Ha, ha.”