2 Sunrise (1/2)
With a glance at the clock I saw it was almost 6 am so I decided to make breakfast. ”Hey Zack, will you give me a hand making breakfast. I wanted to talk to you about something while we were there?”
”Sure thing Rei, what's up?” he said as he stood up and walked towards the kitchen.
As we entered the kitchen, I made sure we were alone when I said in a low voice, ”We are gonna either loot or buy what we need to make sure that when we get back, we can build up a fortress around my house. I don't know if things will cool down in the end, but they will definitely go to shit first. People and Countries with grudges are going to let this stuff go to their heads and try to take vengeance or declare war. And I'm pretty sure whatever caused everything to go to shit isn't done yet. I think we might have much bigger things to worry about than some petty wars or fighting to be honest.” I had read to many fiction books and played to many games to think lightly of any of this.
”I understand what you mean but what do you mean fortress?” Zack asked with a confused look on his face.
”You can move stone and I can move metal. If we put our powers together, we could stop nearly anyone from getting in. The only thing would be people that could use wind to either fly or leap to an extreme height and still land safely.”
”Ohh, that makes sense.” He looked thoughtful as he reached into my chest freezer. ”So why you and me? I get that you can basically make a blender around you, but Kara could turn anyone into ash that caused trouble.”
”I know you're her brother, but you have to at least be able to see that she's a beauty among beauties. Any less attention we can get the better. Plus, you should be able to basically make bullets out of stone. We could probably do something interesting once we learn how to work together better.” I was a little surprised at his naivety but also kind of happy. It meant he hadn't even thought of a worst-case scenario for any of us. ”Besides Kara has the only other offensive ability. We need someone to hold down the fort.” I looked at him as he started cooking some bacon and I had finished the scrambled egg mix. ”First let's eat and then we'll go from there. Oh! And I wanted to test out your fiancée's ability if you don't mind.” I eyed his response and couldn't help but notice him jerk at that word.
”I... I didn't know how to tell you.” He said. ”We've spoken so little the last few years that when I fell for her and later proposed it was easier to just not say anything.” He looked genuinely upset so I thought I would let him off the hook.
”First anything that happens to you is something I want to hear about and second, I know I've holed myself up in here for quite a while which has made it hard to reach me. I wasn't saying that you needed to tell me but it's my own fault even with everything you guys did for me after Lexi, mom and dad, I couldn't do anything but curl up and hide. I started to hide myself away and now I've got no choice but to come out of hiding. I know it's fucked up, but I definitely needed something to shake me loose.” I told him the truth but held back a few parts of what I felt. ”Just wish it would have been something a bit less drastic.” I whispered more to myself than anything.
”Well... As long as you're not mad at me.” I could see he was upset so I put an arm around him and gave a small squeeze.
”You're my little brother... I may get pissed at you, but it will never last long.” I looked up into his brown eyes and reached up to shake his black hair with my free hand.
”Good.” He nodded his head and gave me a small squeeze back. ”now let's finish this food.”
”OK, I gotta start this test out too.” I reached up and grabbed a glass and poured some hot water and some salt into the glass.
As I started to stir the salt water Zack said quietly, ”good idea.” He realized I was trying to figure out the way her water ability worked and what will and won't move with the water. I reached and started mixing up different soluble items to see what would and wouldn't work. After filling about 10 cups with strange solutions and making sure breakfast was ready, we left the kitchen.
As soon as I reached the living room, I was a bit taken aback by the sheer number of tomatoes. ”I think that should do it on the tomatoes Zack. Maybe take a breather before you hurt yourself.” There were over 2 baskets of cherry tomatoes and Zack was sitting there looking a bit tired.
”If you say so Aunt Reika.” He barely managed to get out a whisper.
I glared at Kara and she put her hands up and then pointed at me. She stood up and came to me. With a whisper she said, ”He wants to impress you. He's had a crush on you for years and he hasn't seen you in 2 years. Think carefully about how you treat him OK?”
”C'mon... Why me? I've never been nice to him and I am hardly ever around.” I whispered back
”You of all people should know, the heart wants what the heart wants...” she said with a giggle and a smirk. ”Just make sure you let him down easy when it comes to it OK?”
”Fine, whatever.” I said as I sat down to eat. ”But Jenny sits with me for every meal from now on.” I said as I pulled her into my lap. ”I forgot how adorable you were my little Sylph.” I said as I hugged her close.
”What's a Sylph?” Jenny asked.
”It's a beautiful creature that could control the wind.” I told her as I filled up my plate with scrambled eggs and some bacon. ”They were renowned for both their kindness and their mischievousness. That means playing pranks.” I added because she looked confused.
”Oh! Like Sylphid from that game you played with me, right?” she said as she reached for some bacon on our plate.
”That was a boy though.” I said. ”But the same race so good job remembering that.” I replied. ”After breakfast I was hoping I could borrow you for a little bit, so I could see what else I need to grab while we're out there, is that OK Delilah?”
She nodded and looked to Zack as she said ”That's fine, but are you 2 leaving for somewhere? Wouldn't it be safer to stay here?”
”Short term yes. But unfortunately, we don't know how long it will take to get things back to normal. Or,” I decided to be a bit more honest. ”if they will ever go back. This could easily be just the first part of many which is why I am going to get some more long-term supplies.”
”I don't like being separated from Zack in this chaos, but if he agrees with you then he isn't just running off to play games.” She said with a long sigh.
”We'll be grabbing some stuff and coming back here.” He said as he took her face in his hands. ”I'm not dumb enough to set up a death flag for myself, so hopefully everything works out.”
I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that. ”Good answer Zack.” I said. ”So much ridiculous stuff is already happening. Don't need to give the universe any more opportunities. With that,” I grabbed Delilah by the hand and started pulling. ”Let's see what you can do.”
After playing with Delilah's ability we determined she can manipulate both water and water with something diluted in it. She can also separate water from anything else making her a way more efficient water filter. She can also pull the water from the air but that's not a lot so digging up a water source will be necessary for this fortress. I went into my bedroom and started to get dressed. As I looked through my clothes, I tried to grab masculine stuff to try to defeminize myself, but I have always preferred cute clothes so in that department I was lacking. I found some baggy clothes and threw them on. As I walked into the hallway I almost collided with Kara. ”Woah Kara.” I half yelled. I looked at my sister with her fair skin and brown hair and eyes. She was still scared, and I understood why. She looked at me and my clothes and I saw a bit of pity cross her face. ”I've always bought cute clothes. Luckily I still had some of Lexi's stuff sitting in the closet.” I said somberly.
”Oh, I thought I recognized that shirt and hat.” She said as she tried to smile. ”You may not think so, but they look good on you.”
”Uhh, thanks.” I replied. ”We aren't going to be going far. I just want to get a few things and then we'll come back. I don't need to tell you that I need you to hold down the fort, do I?”
”I get it. I've got a pretty much useless except for hurting others kind of ability.” She pouted.
”For now, since you can't control it maybe.” I said. ”But just like with Delilah's I have a few ideas for your ability as well. It's just not going to affect what I plan on grabbing today.”
”Hmm? Is this what you did with your free time instead of studying?” she asked teasingly.
”Of course.” I smiled. ”When wasn't I reading some web novel or playing some game about weird stuff. In that regard I still haven't changed.”
”That's true. It was near impossible to get you out of your room until Lexi showed up.” She said hesitantly. Seeing I didn't jump she continued. ”Everyone misses her just as much as Mom and Dad. I just thought you would like to know.” She reached out for my hand and I let her take it. ”Have the nightmares gotten any better?”
I can get a minimum of 3 to 4 hours of sleep every day for sure and after 2 years it feels like it is enough. The nightmares haven't lessened at all, but I can at least pretend for her sake. ”Yeah, I don't sleep as much probably because of how long I had them, but I sleep better than before.” I smiled at her and squeezed her hand. ”But for now, I need to get ready.”
”OK, make sure to take extra care out there. We don't know just how bad it is yet, plus the sun is about to rise. People are going to be waking up soon.”
With a nod I turned into the bathroom.
”Dammit, dammit, dammit.” I whispered into my reflection. ”They were being so good about playing dumb. Why did you have to bring her up? It doesn't change anything.” My whole body was trembling as I looked at myself in a camo jacket and John Deere hat on my head my black hair was spilling out. My almost black eyes were starting to form tears. Which didn't help the bags under my eyes. I reached into the drawer and pulled out some hair ties. I hadn't cut my hair since middle school, so it made it all the way down my back. As I took off the hat and started tying up my hair, I could hear Kara and Zack in the hallway.
”How is she holding up?” I heard Zack say.
”It's hard to tell.” Kara replied. ”She's always been so good at hiding her feelings and with everything that's going on its even harder to try to figure her out when my own emotions are all over the place.”
I decided that was enough and stepped out of the bathroom and saw them both stiffen. ”I'm not gonna say I'm all rainbows and kittens but I'm a lot better than I used to be.” I said as I shot each of them a look. ”But I know for a fact that having you 2 talk about me isn't helping in the least.”
”Sorry...” they both managed to get out. But Kara followed up. ”It's great to see you, even if it's an act, back to yourself Rei.” She was so earnest and sweet that I couldn't help but hug her. Zack stood there, stock still expecting something from me, so I released Kara and gave him a small jab in his shoulder.
”Let's grab Lyla and get moving.” I said.
I squatted down in front of my dogs and looked Rocko right in the eye. He never looked away even before today but now it felt strange. Almost like he was waiting for something. ”I need you to hold down the fort with Kara, OK bud?” he placed one of his paws on my knee like he was agreeing with me and with that Zack, Lyla and I were off.
When we started off, I wanted to get solar panels and any and all seeds and food stuffs I could. ”I want to hit up the farm supply store on the edge of town and then head over to the home supplies after.” I said to Zack. ”Is there anywhere you think we should go?” I asked
”I think that should do it for now. Just try to avoid as many people as possible and I'll be happy.” He said. I could tell he was nervous about all of this and just trying to put on a show of strength.
”Remember. If something happens the most important thing is that we make it out alive. If you need to drop something or hurt someone else that's fine. You also don't need to worry about killing anyone. If you can incapacitate them that's enough for now.” With that I saw a frown on his face.
”Not everyone is gonna turn to crime and I'm sure there are people that would prefer to keep living the way they were but that doesn't mean the people we are going to run into are friendly.”
”It doesn't mean they are enemies either. Both of us are fairly impressive so I'm sure if we gave them a choice at the start it would be the better choice. I'm not afraid to take a life... But I would rather it not be an innocent.” He trailed off at the end.
”I'm in the same boat. I was just checking where your mindset was. I wanted to make sure we were on the same wavelength.” As I said that I pulled into the farm supply store. It was empty. ”Here goes nothing.” I said as I pulled around the side to hook a trailer up to the truck.
”Not even gonna pretend huh?” Zack exclaimed.
”If the world goes back to normal, I'll be sure to pay for the trailer if the owner is still alive.” I said with a laugh. ”I was thinking about buying one anyways.”
”Sure sure. I totally believe you.” He shot back with a shake of his head.
After hooking up the trailer I merged the metals together to make it easier to keep together and walked to the delivery door in the back. I felt around for the locks and pulled them loose and then lifted the door. Once I got it off the ground a little bit I slid under and let it settle back down and found the electronic switch to open the door up fully. As Zack backed the trailer into the door, I found a steel pipe and lifted it into my hand. It wasn't too heavy to carry but it had enough metal to shift for both a weapon and shield. First things first, I took every bag of dog and cat food and threw those into the truck bed. I could move the dolly without much effort, so Zack and I just loaded it all in as fast as possible. Next, I found the seeds and seedlings that were lined up. Luckily, it's about to be spring. I thought to myself. I started grabbing a few of each type knowing that Jason would be able to grow them, while Delilah could pull the water, helping the seeds blossom better. Next, I went over to the tractors and proceeded to pull as much metal from the first 3 tractors as I could without putting myself in a bad position later. ”We'll load this up and head out.” I said to Zack.
”Yeah this should help quite a bit but...” he was interrupted by squeaking.
My eyes lit up as I looked at Zack. ”If we take some baby chicks, we can get a fair amount of meat and eggs without much worry and since Jason can grow plants, we won't have to worry about food either.” I said excitedly.
”If we grab these chicks, we are going home to unload first otherwise you'll have a dead brother to deal with because I'm already annoyed, and it's been like 1 minute.” He said with a moan. He was never fond of animals and I wasn't until I met Lexi and got dragged to her family's farm a few dozen times.
”Fine then let's load up some more stuff before we grab these things.” I said.
We loaded up a lot of metal goods and some more food for the chicks. When I looked into the pen there were both chicks and ducklings, so I decided we should take both. I pulled out my phone and made a tab on how to stop ducks from flying. I knew it wasn't nice for the ducks, but I figured just in case. After rounding them up and the heat lamps we made for the truck when I heard shouting outside.
”I'll check it out.” Zack said quietly.
I nodded and said, ”be careful.”
I put all of the stuff we collected into the truck and made after my brother. When I got near the front door there were 2 men standing over a girl. She looked like she was about college age and I could see blood trickling from the edge of her mouth. Before I could get enough information both men started to raise their hands. One had a small golf ball sized fireball over his hand and the other had a small knife, but it looked like something he made with an ability.
I raised my pipe and as I went to say something to Zack, I saw Lyla run out from the side of the building barking. The men both looked over and I saw almost evil grins form. As she got closer, I saw Lyla's fur start to flutter separately from the wind from her running. As she got closer her fur started to turn red and orange. She was starting on fire and it wasn't a bad thing. She was going to help this complete stranger and I couldn't understand why. I raced out to meet Lyla in case she needed my help and by the time I got out there both men had run off.
”Lyla!” I couldn't help but shout. ”what were you thinking running out here like that.” I was so scared just now as I approached Lyla her fur turned back to the golden brown it normally was and she sat down right at the girl's feet looking at me. I crouched down and glanced at the girls face who looked nervous but not scared as I grabbed onto and hugged Lyla. ”you scared me so much you big dumbie.” I said into her fur.
”My names Alice.” The girl said and put out her hand.
”Reika.” I replied as I took her hand. She had sharp features and blue eyes. Her blonde hair made a gorgeous contrast to her tanned skin. ”And this little fireball is Lyla. Oh, and that's Zack my brother” I said as I pointed over my shoulder.
”Good to meet ya. We need to go Reika.” He said it quickly. I agreed but Lyla was acting strangely.
”Hold on, Lyla was a tracking dog before Lexi adopted her, so there's a reason she's being like this.” As I looked at Alice, she reacted to tracking dog.
”My brother and I were attacked, and I was trying to find supplies to help him. Could we maybe come with you?” She asked genuinely. ”We don't have any way to pay you back, but I can move water and my brother can move earth.” She said pleading with us.
”I think it's a good idea as long as it's not too far.” I said checking with Zack.
”Agreed.” He said, but quickly followed it with, ”even though you yourself said to avoid people you stop as soon as a pretty girl needs help.”
”Remind me to beat you later.” I said as I felt my face heat up. ”Anyway, where's your brother. We have a truck, so it will be easy to get back to my place.
”He's right over there. Part of our house was set fire to a bit ago, so we were squatting in a shed to keep warm.”