27 Chapter 9B (1/2)

”You have beautiful Barbie hair” was the first thing Lexi yelled to me when I showed up for breakfast after my shower.

”Lexi,” Avian said in a low warning tone, causing Lexi to look at him, a pout tugging on her bottom lip.

”But it's true,” Lexi said, folding her arms against her chest. She looked at me to back her up.

”Of course it is,” I said with a smile as I placed a spoon of baked beans in my mouth. Lexi smiled in victory and stuck her tongue out at Avian, before turning her attention back to the sausages on her plate.

Avian smiled warmly at me and went back to his food, his eyes not leaving mine.

I stared uncomfortably at my food and shifted in my chair.

”Can we go to the park Avian?” Lexi said, her request muffled because of the food she had just shoved into her mouth.

”Not today” Avian said, glancing at his little sister wearily. Lexi's face fell so much, you could have sworn that her favorite cartoon character had just been killed.

”Why not? Mom and dad aren't home and you're supposed to take care of me” she whined, glancing sadly at the now-forgotten sausages on her plate.

I raised my brow at Avian, wondering why she couldn't go to the park.

”We have to go to school Lexi. Besides, you have school too” Avian said, laughing slightly at his sister's lovability.

Then don't go to school,” Lexi whined, frowning at Avian ”go to the park. With me”

”Shay doesn't ditch school! She's a good girl” Avian said, smirking at me with raised brows. I took in a deep breath and glared at Avian, before dragging my attention back to Lexi.

”I'll do it,” I said, jutting out my chin. Avian looked at me with an impressed expression.

What was I doing?

But it was too late to take back my decision because Lexi was squealing happily and looking at me with shining eyes.

How could I say no to a pair of massive brown eyes?

”Yeah I don't mind,” I said louder, clearing my throat. Lexi clapped wildly as she happily shoved more sausages into her mouth.

Avian rolled his eyes and glanced at me with a tiny smile, before focusing his attention back on his food.


”She's too adorable,” I said as Avian and I sat down on one of the benches across the playground. The wind carried stray litter that had been thrown carelessly onto the floor, as well as dead leaves that had fallen from the trees as if giving up on the lives they had had through the summer and the spring.

”Yeah she is,” Avian glanced over to where Lexi sat in the sand, along with another little boy she had just met, building sandcastles.

”She doesn't look like you,” I said, smiling as Lexi waved when she spotted Avian and I sitting ”who does she take after?”

Avian took in a deep breath and I turned my head to look at him; he looked uncomfortable.

Was it something I said?

”Lexi's adopted” Avian said, turning his head to look at me. I glanced at him, my eyes widening slightly, and turned back to gaze at Lexi, who had now moved on to the slides. My cheeks flushed and I stared at my feet nervously.

”I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry” I said quietly, turning my gaze towards Avian. He smiled at me for a moment, before glancing back at Lexi.

”It's okay, she knows,” Avian said, leaning back in his chair. I did the same.

”She was three when mom adopted her, so she's aware that my mom isn't her mom” Avian said, before looking at me once more. ”So skipping school? You're becoming quite a rebel.”

I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully.

”Shut up”

He laughed and glanced at Lexi for a second, before looking back at me ”why did you skip anyway? Running from someone?”

”No,” I said sincerely, shrugging my shoulders ”Angel and Rain cornered me, and we talked.”

Avian nodded and glanced at me, waiting for me to go on.

”I mean, we didn't talk about everything, but I don't avoid them anymore,” I sighed and ran my hands through my hair ”I just want everything go back to the way it used to be.”

Avian looked at me, confused and I realized that he had no idea what had happened this summer.

I was glad about that.

”What do you mean?” Avian asked, looking at me.

I avoided eye contact.

”Let's just say my friends and I are okay now.”

We were silent for some time, just watching Lexi playing tag.

”You always evade conversations when we are talking about you” Avian said quietly, turning his gaze to me. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair again.