21 Chapter 6B (1/2)
”The dusk has only just begun to fall,” Lolita sang quietly as she flipped through a health magazine, her feet dangling over the side of the couch she was nestled in.
My room had grown dark as the sun had long ceased to stream in from the window; it was illuminated by the glowing lamp on my side table in the corner of my room.
I lay on my stomach, my feet crossed in the air as I finished off the last of my calculus homework.
The house was once again silent, the music bouncing off the walls, causing the room to portray the mood and feel of the current song ”Hide and Seek” by Imogene Heap that was playing.
”Sinking, feeling, spin me around again,” Lolita kept singing, her voice getting louder with every line.
She glanced at me with a smirk, as if daring me to say something. I rolled my eyes and glanced down at the almost finished assignment sheet in front of me.
”I have to go soon,” Lolita said, raising her head from the article she was reading to look at me ”I have a photography class in half an hour.”
I didn't say anything, glancing briefly at her before returning my gaze to the calculus sheet.
Not feeling like homework anymore, I stood from the bed and put my feet into my night slippers.
”Want anything from the kitchen?” I asked, glancing at Lolita as I opened the door to my room. She shook her head without looking up and turned the pages of her magazine.
I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, picking up stray pieces of paper on my way.
After throwing them into the bin, I opened the fridge, realizing just how empty it was and the fact that I still hadn't gone grocery shopping. I groaned inwardly and grabbed a glass of water.
”Takeout then,” I muttered to myself as I trudged up the stairs.
When I got to the landing, the bathroom door opened, causing me to stop and wonder when Lolita had entered the bathroom, seeing as I hadn't heard the door open from the kitchen.
It wasn't Lolita.
Instead, my mother's newest toy stepped through the door with just a towel around his waist.
Ugh, hands down the nastiest sight ever!
His overgrown belly hung in flaps over the towel that was too small for him. The towel couldn't even go around him once and so one-half of his extremely hairy thighs were on display he had boobs! Weird man boobs that wiggled when he shook out his shoulder-length hair.
Shuddering, I tried looking anywhere but at his chest, but it seemed like his entire body was hairy, and not just slightly hairy, but ape-like hairy.
I felt bile rising in my throat.
He froze when he noticed me standing there, then he looked me up and down and smiled toothily at me.
”Hi,” he said, running his chubby hands through his hair like he was trying to be sexy.
I stared in disgust at him, partly still in shock. What was he even doing here? My mother had not been home for the past three days and he was just calmly living with us?
Talk about creepy! Maybe he had even done something to her, like killed her or something and neither Lolita nor I would even know.
Ignoring the instinct to accuse him and demand for my mother, I glanced at the door to my room which he was currently blocking.
I pulled my eyes sharply back to him when he started walking towards me, causing me to take a couple of steps backward.
”You're kind of blocking the door,” he said with a creepy smile and I felt a shudder make its way up my back.
I nodded briefly after turning my head to see that I was indeed blocking the door to my mother's room, and pressed myself against the wall to make room for him.
He smiled and started walking towards me once more.
Expecting him to walk past me, I relaxed visibly which was a mistake, because he stopped right in front of me and smiled at me in the creepiest and most perverted way possible.
”Um,” He leaned forward and I pushed myself further into the wall if that was even possible. His lips slowly reached my ear and could feel his breath, ragged and uneven, on my neck.
I looked down at his wet hairy and completely disgusting chest, contemplating pushing him away from me but as I stared at his chest, I became even more disgusted, and kept my fists balled at my side.