10 Chapter 3A (1/2)

”The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek” – Joseph A Campbell

September 2nd 2013; 8:43am

I stood at the gates of Moundville High and took in my surroundings. Taking in long deep breaths, I rubbed my hands together desperately trying to warm them up.

Why was I so nervous?

I clutched the straps of my tote tighter and slowly put one leg in front of the other.

The cool autumn breeze whipped past me, stinging my face, and almost taking me with it as I walked across the parking lot.

”Go with the wind Shay,” I muttered to myself, watching as dead leaves sailed on the air past my feet.

I pulled my jacket tighter around me as if begging for it to just swallow me up ”Skip school and let the wind take you wherever it wishes.”

I slowed to a stop as I neared the big grey block I would be spending the next year trapped in and sighed.

The windowpanes rattled in their frames as the wind zipped by; the trees shivered, releasing leaves that neared their deaths and the janitor that stood below grew even more frustrated as he raked the stubborn leaves that seemed to yearn for freedom.

What was it that Campbell man said?

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek: that's it.