Chapter 356 - The Moonshadow Trading Company Short Stories: 6 - The Bronze Token (III) (1/2)
Ebony watched over the festivities below with a sad expression. It was times like this, alone and in silence, that she felt the hollow space beside her. Even after three years, she still longed to see him. At this point, she was sure she'd be happy he was there even if he was arguing with her. She didn't need him to hold her, or apologise for leaving. She just…needed him to be here.
Ebony seemed to cycle through her feelings on the topic the longer Aegin was away. At first, she'd been worried. Worried that he was on his own. That he had to find out everything she'd learned from Rassa on his own. Worried that he was sealed and vulnerable. Worried that…worried that he wasn't coming back because he didn't want to see her. But that thought just made her angry.
What had she done to deserve his spite? Why did he even deserve her worry if he was just going to stay gone like this? How dare he leave without saying a thing to her? If he came back now, she was liable to chain him in Anthrite and throw him into the depths of Shigeni Mountain just the keep him there.
Then she was just…sad.
Worry, then anger, then sadness. Repeat.
It was no wonder she spent most of her time trying to find something to keep her mind off of things. But now…the hunt proposed by Rassa had been like opening the box. At the suggestion of seduction, she'd been initially opposed. But her coven members had seemed unsurprised, eager even, and it had occurred to her that those months Aegin had spent with the Priestess on the Ship…sharing a room…he'd been away three years now. Surely if he wasn't coming back, he had to be looking elsewhere. He wasn't going to wait for her, so why should she wait for him? The thought had made her determined. If he'd moved on, she could too.
Now though, now she stood on the rooftop of one of the buildings and beside the main square of Port Leis, looking down at all the festivities below as the sunrise grew ever closer, and she could feel the hollowness beside her like nothing else.
The door behind her opened and she turned in surprise. A young man was struggling to drag and easel and a bucket of supplies through the door. He was tall and lanky, with large glasses, but still dressed relatively nicely. She watched him struggle, frowning at it. He dropped his canvas and swore quietly in the night.
”Crackers and Ham!”
Ebony couldn't help the short giggle that escaped her lips. What kind of profanity was that?
He looked up in surprise to realise he was not alone. Ebony covered her lips for a moment as she composed herself, ”My apologies, do you need help?”
Ebony raised an eyebrow in question. He continued to stare at her, dumbstruck. Ebony frowned, ”Sir?”
Still nothing. Ebony could have sworn she accidently allured him if it weren't for the fact that his eyes told her that his mind was moving a thousand times faster and his body had yet to catch up.
She asked a little louder this time, and he flinched, then opened his mouth, ”Oh, ah, sorry to disturb you. I didn't realise somebody was already up here. I can go somewhere else”.
”No, please, I wasn't doing anything of consequence. I could do with the company really,” said Ebony.
She was being entirely honest. It had nothing to do with the hunt. Though the hunger inside her reminded her that that was what she was supposed to be doing. That the man before her was the perfect prey.
”Oh, I…are you sure?”
Ebony got the impression that he wasn't very good with people.
”Did you come to paint?” asked Ebony, pointing at his equipment.
He immediately perked up, picking up his things and making his way over to where she stood at the edge of the building as he spoke, ”Yes, I couldn't sleep with all the festivities, and when I looked out the window and saw what was happening in the square I just couldn't resist”.
They both gazed down at the lines and circles of dancers, the band in the centre never seeming to tire.
”It is beautiful,” said Ebony with a smile, ”So much joy”.
Ebony sensed him turn to look at her, ”It is…I…I hope this isn't rude but…would you mind if you were in the painting too?”
Ebony turned to him in surprise, ”Sorry?”
”I don't mean to offend – or seem forward – but…you look stunning with the lights of the lamps in the background,” he said.
Ebony found herself legitimately tongue-tied. She'd been called beautiful before, but not in this way.
”Sorry, a lady such as yourself must have someone waiting for you. It was rude of me to ask for something like this,” he said.
But she didn't. She had no one waiting for her. The hunger's thrill of the hunt pushed her voice forward.
”Well, no, I don't have anyone waiting for me, but I'll admit to needing to be somewhere, and I can use some help,” said Ebony, ”I'll tell you what. If you agree to help me out, I agree to stand for a portrait for you”.
He seemed legitimately surprised, ”Really?”
He then seemed concerned, ”What is it you need help with?”
”Would you walk me home?” asked Ebony.
For a moment, he looked to be trying to determine whether or not she was kidding, then he gave a small smile, ”Very well, it'd be an honour, Miss?”
He put down his things, then held a hand out to her in greeting. She took it delicately.
”Ebony,” she said.
”A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, Miss Ebony,” he smiled as he shook her hand, ”My name is Nolan”.
”The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e is mine, Mr Nolan,” she replied, ”Shall we? I'd hate to keep you from this view for too long”.
He swept his arm to the side to guide her, his movements not that of an ordinary man. He was bred to nobility. It seemed she was not the only one keeping her name quiet. Not that it mattered.
They walked together with pleasant company. Remarking on the festivities every now and then. She enquired about his painting. He enquired about why she was on a rooftop rather than down with the party-goers.
”There is someone I cannot help missing,” she'd replied, ”In truth your arrival was a welcome distraction”.
He'd nodded, ”I can understand that. There are those that I miss at times as well”.
Neither elaborated. When they finally made it to the apartment building, Ebony gave a short excuse to do with a creepy neighbour to have him pass through the foyer and up the stairs, then she paused before her door.
”It's quite the building,” he remarked, ”Owned by Moonshadow, is it not?”
Ebony nodded, ”Yes. It is”.
He nodded, admiring the architecture, ”I should like to meet the one who designed it. It is exquisite. From what I have seen, all things made by Moonshadow are. It is no wonder that they hold the Bronze Token just seven years after their inception”.
Ebony nodded, ”It is astounding. You should see the designs inside the apartments”.
He smiled awkwardly, ”Oh, I really don't think that's-”
”I insist,” Ebony said, ”If nothing else it could serve as inspiration for a painting”.
Ebony unlocked the door behind her and led her way inside her apartment, ”Come on”.
”The view's not bad from here either,” said Ebony.
He nodded as he came to stand beside her, ”I can see why many are so intent on getting an apartment such as this. The view incredible”.
He paused, then turned to look down at her. She looked up at him.
He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers. Ebony paused, momentarily stunned. She had not attempted to avoid it. That earlier thought of moving on still in the back of her mind. But his eyes…they were the colour of chocolate, not lavender.
Sensing that she was less enthusiastic, Nolan pulled away, ”I-sorry, that was inappropriate, I-I-I should go-”
Ebony caught his hand, ”Nolan, it's not you. You're a kind and honest man. And I would like you as a friend if possible, I'll even still sit for that portrait I promised you, but…I just can't”.
He gave her a small smile, one that seemed to tell her that he understood, ”Still, I am sorry”.
Ebony shook her head, ”Don't be. I should be sorry, not that you'll remember this”.
Nolan frowned, ”Remember wha-?”
”Nolan?” she asked, ”You're okay, I can make it better”.
Only when her gaze landed on his face, she realised with surprise that perhaps she'd pushed a bit too much calm towards him.
He was asleep.
Ebony sighed. She'd have to jolt him awake now, and that didn't sound all that appealing to her. She looked at him, then her couch, then she sighed, ”This is why I prefer hunting criminals”.