Chapter 338 - The Moonshadow Trading Company Short Stories: 2 - The Remnants of Old (I) (1/2)
*Eldovian Era, 1713 30th day of the 9th month*
Helena had heard the rumours of course. The rumours that Iah Moonshadow had not always been the face of the Moonshadow Trading Company. That once, when the company had first appeared at the Trader's Festival in 1710, it had been represented by another woman and a young man. But they hadn't been seen since, so she'd been like everyone else in dismissing the rumours.
But then that grand ship had sailed into Port Leis with red sails and the Moonshadow Symbol displayed gloriously in white. Nobody had talked of anything else all day. Any whisper of new information making it's rounds up and down Charm Street like the wind.
”I heard Miss Iah brought two cloaked individuals up to her office, one a man, the other a scandalously dressed woman”.
”The old abandoned dock actually belongs to Moonshadow! There were two whores who came back this morning and proclaimed that the dock master had attempted to steal from the owner, a Mr Moonshadow”.
”Mr Moonshadow?”
The more information she heard, and the more she thought about it, the fewer reasons Helena could come up with to dispute that the actual owner of Moonshadow was someone other than Miss Iah.
Helena had slipped into one of her better gowns, one without ink stains from her quills and pens, and made her way to the Willow's Bend that evening.
The woman whom had arrived with Iah was gorgeous. Golden hair like straw and eyes a mysterious green that practically shone in the night. She was however, wearing a style of dressed that would cause many to talk. The skirt of her dress was still long enough to skim the floor as she walked, but it did not flare out as all fashionable dresses did these days. Instead, it seemed shaped over her h.i.p.s and fell delicately down to her ankles, scandalously revealing a hidden slit up to her t.h.i.g.hs when she walked. She wore thin breeches underneath to hide her b.a.r.e skin but they only seemed to accentuate her shapely legs. Her bodice was rather similar to the dresses Helena was used to, and when one woman, one of the tailors, was bold enough to ask after the woman, Ebony's, fashion sense, the woman stated quite simply.
”Well I do find your dresses beautiful, but they are awfully hard to move around in, are they not?”
Any scandalous thoughts were instantly dismissed. This woman had chosen a way of dressing that allowed her practicality. Helena could only respect her for it.
They were all at least two drinks in when the elusive Mr Moonshadow had arrived. He wore a black suit with a red vest and scarf, and he wore it magnificently. Helena was sure she had never seen a man so handsome. And young too.
This was the man behind the great Moonshadow Company? It seemed quite unbelievable, but the more he talked and animatedly worked the room, showing interest in all of the businesses and commanding attention and respect everywhere he went, Helena knew it couldn't be false. So, seeing as her father had left her to represent the company at this dinner whilst he left to visit her ill aunt, Helena had found herself in the seat beside Mr Moonshadow four glasses of wine into the night.
Was she tipsy? Of course, but she doubted she would have had the courage to approach such a handsome man otherwise.
His skin pale but so smooth, his jawline strong and masculine. He was lean but tall, holding himself with a strength that Helena simply didn't see in businessmen. He stood more like a soldier, but with a casualness that would have made military commanders simmer with rage. The combination was so strange she couldn't put a name to it, but it looked so elegant and ethereal that she couldn't find it in herself to care. His dark hair, almost black, fell down to masterfully frame his face and eyes. It would have been sloppy on anyone else, but on him, with hair so soft it surely would feel like silk, it only added to his beauty. And his eyes. Helena could just melt in them. A strange maroon colour that looked equal parts mysterious, playful and menacing.
He listened attentively as she spouted about her father's business. Even asked questions about the calligraphy she did. He had picked up so easily that she was passionate about it, few men did when she conversed with them. She had such fun conversing with him that by the end of the night, and two more glasses of wine, she leaned in as she said goodbye and released the most sultry whisper she could hope to give.
”I could show you my private collection, if you like…I'll leave the door unlocked”.
Oh, if her father were here, he'd surely lock her away for fear she'd gone mad! For sure, she had. She hurried home, half full of anticipation, the other half embarrassment.
She'd entered her apartments above the boutique, jittery with nerves as she lit the lanterns around her apartment and filled the bath for her to wash up. Would he come? Wouldn't he? Should she really go through with this? Would she be able to face him if he didn't come?
Good gods she'd never be able to live it down if he spoke of it.
But something told her he wouldn't. The interest in his eyes had been legitimate. His questions more than just small talk. He'd even smiled, his gorgeous eyes filled with promise after she'd whispered in his ear.
So, Helena decided that if she was really going to do this, then she was going to do it without regrets.
She washed, dressed in her nicest nightwear, brewed a cup of tea, then set up her calligraphy set. She was on the second work when she felt his presence. She looked up, finding him leaning in the doorway.
He had disposed of his jacket and scarf, his vest unbuttoned as he watched her work. He looked all too comfortable and at home in a place he'd never even stepped foot before. This was clearly a man of confidence.
”You know, you really shouldn't leave the door unlocked as a woman on your own, who knows what sort of monster may wonder in?” he mused. She could have sworn his eyes flashed a mysterious red before she placed her calligraphy brush down. He was too confident, calm, and had she mentioned handsome? He had to have done this before. Had to. Still, even with that thought, she couldn't help being honest with him.
”I wasn't sure you'd come”.
He circled around her calligraphy desk, so low she sat on the ground to work at it. It didn't seem to bother him as he sat beside her, one long leg partially bent behind her as he reached out and dragged a finger down her face, then her neck, fl.i.c.k.i.n.g her long brown locks aside.
”Well, it would be rude to refuse a woman who knows what she wants now, wouldn't it?” he asked.
Helena stared back at him, entranced by him, her tongue darting out to lick her lips in anticipation as he leaned closer. His hand left her as she did, only for something soft and wet to delicately touch the back of her hand seconds later.
She glanced down, noticing he held her ink brush.
”What is it you want, Helena? Tell me where the brush should go,” he whispered to her.
She'd turned to look at him, surprised by his suggestion, but finding it so personal. That touch, clearly made thanks to their earlier conversations, made her bolder. She slumped out of her covering and reached her b.a.r.e arm up to rest on his shoulder.
”Down my arm,” Helena had said, ”Though I'd prefer you to draw with your tongue, I did just wash up”.
He had grinned in response, then done exactly as she'd instructed.
Good gods on a mountain top it had felt divine. Whatever he'd done to her. A kiss, a c.a.r.e.s.s…more.
She'd never felt so good in her life, and was sure that he'd felt just as good considering how he had filled her with his manhood, something no other man had done. And right over her calligraphy table too, then in her bed. She'd been thoroughly and passionately rid of her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y, and mightily satisfied by it.
So, she couldn't help the wave of disappointment that hit her when she woke to find him gone. She felt pitifully weak when she moved, perhaps a little sick. Probably all the wine combined with her adventurous night. She could not find him, but what she did find, on the bed beside her, was a picture of herself sleeping nude. It was drawn with her calligraphy ink and paper, and on it she lay with her back exposed to the elements, the sheets dr.a.p.ed precariously over her behind before her legs were exposed to the night air. She looked positively scandalous. In the top corner of the picture, outside of the window, was a crescent moon.
Attached was a simple note; Thank you for a beautiful night, Rassa Moonshadow.
A part of her wanted to feel heartbroken that he'd left, but another part, the part that had dared to invite him the night before, reassured her that even if this was behind them, they would be able to meet amicably as friends in the future.
Helena smiled at the note, then tucked the picture away safely where nobody else would find it and turned to get on with her day.
”I thought you said you couldn't sleep with human women,��� Ebony stated.
Frankly, it was about time. It had been uncomfortably silent in the office for several hours, ever since Rassa had reappeared with dishevelled clothes and hair and smelling of s.e.x.
Rassa sighed, hanging his head. He had been playful about it the night before, but now he thought it would be best that if he ever did such a thing again, he would be quiet about it. He didn't want to combine his prey with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e often if he didn't have to. It was both convenient and euphoric at the time, but when it was over, it only served to remind him of his impending eternity of loneliness when he had to erase or alter the poor girl's memories.
”Shadow magic comes in useful,” Rassa stated as way of explanation.
”What?” asked Ebony.
Rassa sighed, dropping the papers he was reading to look across the room at her, ”If I use the shadows to sheath my manhood then no future problems will arise from the encounter.
Ebony blushed profusely at the image he provoked, ”Oh…”
She turned awkwardly back to the papers in front of her. The door opened promptly to bring fresh air back to the stifling silence, and Rassa turned to watch Iah enter with Elsbeth in tow.
”And this is our head office, afternoon Rassa, Ebony,” Iah greeted.
”Afternoon,” Ebony greeted all too willingly.
Rassa sighed, ”I think I'll be leaving for the mines this evening”.
Iah paused, ”I thought you said you'd be here for a few more days?”
”That was when I thought I needed to handle immediate problems, but you and Mathias have everything in hand, clearly. At least, it is nothing that Ebony cannot take on board,” said Rassa, ”I'll be withdrawing funds from the bank so I can purchase that land for the workshops. Probably a store or two as well”.
”Oh, well of course,” Iah stated, ”How much will you be taking? Just for my own records”.
Rassa thought for a moment, ”You said there is roughly 50 million gold in the bank, yes?”
Iah nodded, ”When I take away staff payments, maintenance and other production costs out, yes”.
”I see…I'll take 20 million with me,” said Rassa.
”20 mil…how big of a piece of land are you buying?” asked Ebony.
”Actually, 20 million is an acceptable amount,” stated Elsbeth, ”I have not been around for some time, but usually land close to any city is a considerable amount, particularly if you want to buy it and not rent it. Near a town or village will be cheaper, but you will likely not have the amenities for your staff nor the appropriate transportation routes”.
Iah and Ebony turned to Elsbeth before Iah raised an eyebrow, ”I can see why you're to run our Southern Branch”.
Rassa smiled, ”I'll be back hopefully in a couple of weeks, and remember to have those rooms cleared for me”.
”Stay safe,” Iah replied, fully accepting that there was no stopping him once he'd made up his mind.