Chapter 332 - Reclamation of the Returning (II) (2/2)
Tigin and Rima froze, then turned to Aegin.
Aegin smirked and shrugged, ”What? I wasn't leaving it to sit and rust underground for a few decades”.
”What?” asked Sevis.
”You're unbelievable, I thought you would have spent it all by now with all your forging,” Rima sighed.
Aegin shook his head, ”Anthrite is surprisingly cheap when you buy it from the source”. Aegin flinched, ”Though I don't recommend walking into that mine, it's quite unsettling”.
The others looked away, back towards the sh.i.p.s. Tigin nodded to the Yilish ship out in the bay, ”Are we travelling in style?”
”I've never seen that rune before,” Rima said as she looked at it.
”I wouldn't think you had,” replied Aegin. He extended a claw, piercing his thump and swiping a drop of his blood over the charm.
The charm gave a dull red glow as it absorbed the blue, then returned to it's crystalline blue colour.
”What was that?” asked Sevis.
”It's a Tracking Charm,” said Aegin, ”It's purpose is to track the locations of others in its sequence. But one can only activate it if the charm is programmed to their blood”.
Aegin activated the charm, and the lines that had once haunted him appeared. There were more this time. Rassa had added more to the sequence. Though is surprised him, Aegin did not feel hostile towards the newcomers. Afterall, if Rassa had given them these charms, it was because he trusted them.
Several of the lines appeared almost straight ahead, though a little to the north, though faded from the distance.
”We're headed to northern Eldovia,” said Aegin as he pocketed the charm and turned to Tigin, ”So sure, we can travel in style for at least part of the way”.
”Lord Moonshadow?” asked a familiar voice. Rassa rolled his eyes.
”Rassa, Mathius, please, just call me Rassa”.
”Lord Moonshadow,” Mathius repeated with a serious and unrelenting gaze.
Rassa sighed as he swung his legs over toe face Mathius, ”Yes?”
”Isiah reports that the second way station is almost complete. The Railway to Eldovia should be completed by the end of the week,” Mathius stated, ”As for the…other project…Olly and Kit have reported promising results from R&D”.
”You sound sceptical, Mathius,” Rassa smiled.
”Forgive me, My Lord, but I see little point with the Railway project so successful,” Mathius stated.
”That may be the case but-”
Rassa's head whipped towards the west as a feeling of familiarity washed over him. After a moment, he smiled.
”My Lord?” asked Mathius.
Rassa chuckled, seeming genuinely happy, ”Well would you look at that, homeward bound it would seem. It's about time…”