Chapter 328 - A Proclamation of Peace (2/2)

Aegin frowned, ”What?”

”You almost seemed…normal then,” said Rima, ”Just a young man in love”.

Though it was hard to tell from just the light of the torches and bonfires, Rima was sure Aegin blushed, ”I don't love her”.

Rima grinned, then downed her wine before she took a deep breath, her eyes finding Sevis in the crowd among his warrior brethren as they drunk and spoke, ”If you insist, oh great Vampire. Remember to have some fun, yes?”

Aegin frowned, ”I believe I came over here to tell you that”.

Rima shrugged as she began to walk towards Sevis, ”Then take your own advice”.

The music had started up to the side, and Aegin watched as Rima crossed past the bonfire and the growing line of Tribesman preparing to dance, stopping before Sevis. She held out her hand to him. He grinned at her before taking her hand and pulling her towards the line to join in. Aegin sat back as he watched to Tribesman begin to dance, Tigin joining in with another Tribeswoman. So many began joining that Aegin had to move back out of the way.

He spotted Cora over by her own bonfire.

”Not joining in, old woman?” asked Aegin.

”Not as much skip in my step any more, child,” Cora remarked, ”Would you like another cup?”

Aegin gave her back the cup he'd been drinking the blood out of, ”You treat me far too well, Cora”.

”Nonsense,” Cora huffed, ”Besides, even if I did, no one would dare say a thing against it”.

”Aye, you're too terrifying when provoked,” Aegin replied with a grin.

”And don't you forget it,” Cora warned as she passed the cup back to him.

The only thing missing was those he'd left behind.

Feeling the wetness on his cheek, Aegin reached up and swiped it away quickly passing his cup to Cora as he stood, ”I'm going for a run”.

”Aegin,” Cora called.

Aegin turned back to her, ”Be back before sunrise, I've been told the Elders wish to see you”.

Aegin nodded, ”Sure thing”.

He turned to wove his way through the crowd of Tribesman, his pale skin for once not feeling alien amongst all the dark featured Tribesman.