Chapter 302 - The Devils in the Dunes (I) (1/2)

*Eldovian Era 1713, 10th day of the 4th month*

Rima looked out over the sand dunes beyond the border of the Tribe's territory with trepidation. Tigin's hesitation had probably been right. It usually was. It was how the two of them had survived so long in the city. But Aegin and Sevis had been so sure.

Still, as she looked across at the two of them, one on a horse and other standing beside him, she couldn't help but think that they should have at least left a note.

She gave a heavy sigh to catch the others' attention, ”This is a stupid plan”.

”It's a good plan, you're just nervous because you're the bait,” Aegin stated helpfully.

”Those things, whatever they are, have torn up at least twenty people in the last week, and that's just those you found,” said Rima, ”I have every right to be nervous”. She gave a side glance at Sevis, who, despite his wounds, sat tall on his horse with a relaxed readiness that made her think he was either overly brave, or overly stupid. Probably both considering he was trying to get a second encounter with these Sand Devils out of this plan.

”I just-”

”Alright, I'll be nearby, have fun camping,” said Aegin.

Then he vanished in a cloud of dust, and the darkness of the desert night seemed to close in just that tiny bit more with his absence.

Sevis flicked the reins of his horse and horse trotted forward into the sand dunes.

Tigin looked at Rima, ”If we die, I'm blaming you. You know that, right?”

Rima frowned, ”It's not my stupid plan”.

”It was your plan to come here in the first place, granted, it wasn't stupid at the time, but it's got us here, so stupid nonetheless,” Tigin argued.

Rima pouted, ”That's the first complaint I've heard from you about it, so I guess I can take it as you blaming Aegin and Sevis but not wanting to say it to their faces because of them can beat you up?”

Tigin turned away, refusing to say anything. Rima nodded in silent confirmation of her accusations.

They continued into the dunes for about half an hour, until the flatlands were hard to make out in the distance with the moon high above them. With nothing to cast shadows but the dunes, and themselves, it was a lot easier to see at night.

Sevis paused and dismounted, ”Here will do”.

Rima released a breath of relief. She really didn't want to go any further out of the imaginary safe zone. At least she thought it may be a safe zone. The Sand Devils were only attacking those on the edge of the wastelands, so perhaps it could be them trying to claim territory. If they were intelligent at least, she was sure that was what they would try to do.

Tigin set to work with lying out a couple of sleeping mats and setting out a fire bit, Rima helping him as Sevis dealt with the horses. He seemed quite sad in doing so, but they had expected that the horses would be casualties even if they were spooked and ran.

Aegin's priority would be them after all.

When everything was set, the three of them sat in an awkward silence that was testament to the fact that none of them actually wanted to try and get some sleep lest they be slaughtered before seeing daylight again.

Finally, Sevis broke the silence with a simple question, ”So, have you made progress with your throwing knives?”

Tigin looked surprised at moment, then sighed, ”A little, Daeton is helping”.