Chapter 300 - Not a (sorry) (1/1)
Hello all!
Author of the Monster Inside Chronicles, Jelim here!
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for their dedication and support in following and reading this novel. Your comments and continued support are always appreciated and serves as great motivation for me.
So much motivation in fact that I've spent the last week planning the wider world of The Monster Inside, including several other stories apart from those in The First Vampire that you've read here so far.
And Woo, is it big!
Thanks to that though, I've gotten carried away and haven't really spared time to write for Aegis of Aegin in the past week... (I got excited, it happens...)
As such, I'm going to have to go on break for Aegis of Aegin for a week. I'll be back on September 6th at the normal time.
BTW, September 7th is totally Rassa's birthday...Was totally wondering what I could give fans of the books to celebrate this occasion, these were some of things I came up with but were knocked back for various reasons:
I considered trying to design some merch to sell via my *******. Decided against that in the end because I'm not an artist and employing someone to do it within a week seems a bit late - maybe next year.
I thought (comically) about donating blood (still makes me laugh) - I can't though because I'm partially aneamic and I'm Coeliac so I don't think I'm allowed. It seems rude of me to ask my fans to join me in this initiative if I can't do it myself (though to anyone that does do this/chooses to do this to celebrate, I'm sure your efforts would be much appreciated by many people and I'd love to hear about it if you do!)
I also contemplated donating to some kind of food-based charity (A. we're in a pandemic and a lot of people less fortunate are struggling, and B. I figured gluttony=food). Down side is I couldn't find many that were global and I know many of my readers probably don't have the means to donate so this seems a bit much. - Still, maybe something to revisit another time.
In the end, I've decided that something that I can give everyone freely is a glimpse into my current plans for Monster Inside: The First Vampire. Namely, my plans to publish the books and other proposed ideas for The Monster Inside Chronicles.
Of course, this will start with a redrafting of the first vampire series as there are many parts I believe I can write better now that it's 18 months since I started. So, on my *******, Discord, Facebook Page and Twitter on Rassa's Birthday, I'll be showing you the current books that are proposed for The Monster Inside, as well as my plans for when I rewrite The Birth of a Monster later this year (sorry, but this rewriting will likely push back Book 4 plans, but it was going to do that anyway if I was planning on getting the first book published).
In the meantime, for those looking for other content. I've promised a double release of The Moonshadow Trading Company Short Stories (Rassa & Ebony's story that runs alongside Aegin's) on my ******* before the end of August. I was a little ambitious with that date but it will definitely occur this week, just need a few days to finish them and edit.
I hope you're all staying safe and healthy, and I hope that giving you this news hasn't left you all too disapointed. If you want to celebrate Rassa's birthday too, I'd love to hear about what you've done! My ******* has links to my social media accounts if you're willing to share!
As always, Happy Reading!