Chapter 275 - The Desperation of the Devoured (2/2)

Kel shook his head, ”You're too honest, Devina. Your expressions can be read like a book”.

Devina dropped her head, disappointed in herself. The High Priestess had always said the same thing.

”What was the deal?” asked Issa.

”Nothing,” Devina said a little two quickly. Both Magicians looked at her unconvinced.

”Is he threatening you?” asked Kel with a frown, his gaze instantly protective. Magicians always looked after Magicians.

Devina opened and closed her mouth. She should have just said no right away. But the part of her that was hesitant, the part of her that didn't trust Aegin and his hunger…

”He didn't give me much of a choice,” Devina said.

And the story spilled out from between her lips.


Aegin released a breath as he rolled over, stretching out his limbs as he awoke. He blinked his eyes open in the darkness of the cabin, and was instantly aware that Devina was, again, not there.

Was she asleep in one of the lounges again or had she gone to dinner without him?

Not that he was complaining about that. The less time he had to spend in that dining hall the better.

Aegin sat up and moved to the bathroom. Without a meal tonight, as he'd leave it at last one more day until he even thought about feeding from Devina again, it would be prudent to get straight into his routine.

Aegin washed his face and dressed in his just washed second outfit. He'd been trading between the two every couple of days. Gods had Devina hated that. There was no doubt in his mind that she'd led a privileged life to be able to have fresh clean clothes every single day.

His clothes on, Aegin pulled on his boots as he headed for the door. A quick check in with Devina through his Life Lines let him know that she was in the direction of the dining hall. Deciding that it would be better if he just let her sleep, Aegin made his way to the bow of the ship.

On the second upper-most deck sat the bridge. Aegin liked to watch the night go by on the roof of it where nobody would disturb him.

He settled in there. Knowing he'd have to move in a couple of hours to go and earn some more coins moving crates on the lower decks. It was only a few measly bronze, but it was beginning to add up when you didn't use it for anything else on board.

Perhaps an hour passed as he watched the ocean around him. A pod of whales breeching to the South put a smile on his face. It was pretty calm as well. They'd been lucky on their journey so far.

Suddenly, a chill zipped across his Life Lines, and without a second of hesitation, Aegin rolled forward to the port side of the ship. A series of Icicles embedded themselves where he'd been sitting. Aegin's eyes narrowed as he turned to look at the source.

There, Devina looked worried behind them, stood the two Magicians she'd befriended looking equally intrigued and cautious.

Aegin sighed, shaking his head, ”Stupid girl”.

He rose and stepped towards them.