Chapter 229 - The Warning (1/2)

Kit sighed as put down the Carving Tool, flexing his fingers and massaging his hand. He'd just finished the last charm of an order that had 100 healing charms for the Knight Academy in Barday. And that was only the small ones. He turned around to look at Olly's table, not surprised that he had long ago finished the 50 medium healing charms and the 25 large healing charms. He seemed to be working on the regular order, having placed the ordered charms to the side in a large crate. Kit stood, stretching his arms as he took steps over the the crate and dragged it to the side of his own table before he proceeded to sweep the small charms into the crate with the others, counting as he went to make sure the number was right.

”Is there another order?” asked Olly, noticing that Kit had finished carving.

Kit indicated to the order book to the side and Olly rose to look at it, ”Five Large Lock sets and ten truth charms, the Sais Bank order”.

Kit nodded, ”Alright, you get started, I'll take this out to the packing room. Give me the book I'll see if any more have come in”.

Olly put the book beside Kit then walked over to the larger crates to the side full of Evanine.

Kit used his Shadows to lift the crate. He'd been getting better at making his shadows solid ever since Rassa had taught him how. The construction of this place had helped significantly considering that most of the heavy lifting was done by Kit.

Kit walked through the tunnels, bypassing the artisan room to go to the packing room. The workers there busily handled the previous orders, ensuring that the charms, both on their own and worked with metals or leather, were stored appropriately for travel and presentation.

”Master Kit,” the manager of the packing house, Wilma, noticed and rushed over, a warm smile on her face despite her large figure.

Kit placed the crate at the end of the line as she approached smiling back, ”The Knight Academy Order. Let us know if we missed any, there were quite a few healing charms”.

”Of course, though I'm sure its perfect as always, Master Kit,” said Wilma smiled, she'd brought with her a clipboard which she knew was a replica of Kit's Order book and Kit stood with her as he crossed a line through the Academy order and she ticked beside it to indicate the order was completed and ready for packing.

”Any new orders coming through?” asked Kit.

”We have received some, yes, the specifics are on my desk,” Wilma said as she began to lead Kit over. Kit followed, the staff nodding respectfully as he passed them. Kit held no actual position at the Mine apart from the Charm Craftsman. But the fact that he was a Magician, and that he was one of only two Craftsman in the world, had earned him an ocean full of respect despite being only 13. Olly as well, though everyone understood that out of the two craftsman, Kit was far more personable.

”Here we are,” Wilma stated as she passed Kit the order form, ”And this came as well for you”.

Wilma passed him a letter that was stamped with the Crescent Moon inside a Full Moon. The Moonshadow Seal. Getting a letter from Iah wasn't unheard of. He usually got one every week that he replied to, but getting one with the Moonshadow Seal indicated something substantially more serious.

”Can I have a minute, Wilma?” asked Kit as he saw the letter.

”Of course,” Wilma nodded, ”I'll do a round of the warehouse and come back”.