Chapter 152 A Stolen Item? (1/2)

Protests and exclamations of shock arose from the crowd quickly. This was a World-Class Auction, how could Rouke Island allow their security to be so lax as to allow an item to disappear so quickly?

”I've never seen anything quite like it,” Falla frowned, ”One moment the item is before us and the next it is not? Sounds like a Magician's work”.

Aegin raised an eyebrow at Rassa, who had stood upon seeing the fox girl disappear, ”What?”

”Did you see?” asked Rassa.

”That's what we were saying, no one saw who took it. It was as if we all imagined it to be there,” Aegin frowned.

”No, not the statue, the thief,” Rassa insisted, ”Did you see her?”

Ebony turned to Rassa, ”You mean you did?”

”Of course, I-”

Rassa paused, unsure how to describe her. By the looks of her, it was unlikely any of them would be able to catch her. Rassa pulled on the shadows around himself, ”I'll be back”.

Falla, Aegin and Ebony all watched as Rassa seemed to sink into the floor beneath their seats before he was gone without a trace.

Falla seemed the most surprised, she had yet to see Rassa use this skill of his, and so was ready to comment on it before she realised that Ebony and Aegin had barely blinked. Clearly, this was an ability Rassa had used often before.

In a shadowed corner of the hall, the shadows themselves seemed to bend and change as they rose from the ground, solidifying into the form of a pale young man with dark eyes that pierced the night around him with ease. There were no witnesses as the man tilted his head to the side to focus his hearing, then scented the air for his prey. Grinding his teeth in frustration, he disappeared back into the shadows again.

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Again, he appeared further up the mountain, using his senses to survey the surrounding area. But nothing alerted him and seemed out of the ordinary. Again at the base of the mountain.

Rassa grew frustrated. His senses had never failed him before. Why now of all times? He turned to meld into the shadows once more, only to feel the shift in the wind and a light and evocative scent invade his nose.

A giggle rose up.

”Aren't you a determined one...”

Rassa spun to face the voice, then stepped back as a set of claws much like his own swiped for his face. He hissed, feeling his fangs lengthen in anticipation of the fight this woman was asking for.

He paused a few steps away from her as she delicately twirled in place to face him, her eyes mischeivious and arrogant as they perused him.

”Ooh, scary”.

She giggled and lunged forward. Rassa growled and did the same, meeting her claw for claw. She was very light on her feet, practically dancing around him. It made Rassa's elegant moves look like that of a barbarian. Rassa flicked the shadows in her direction to restrain her, and she grinned, her hand turning palm up as it cupped a blue flame that arose from her skin. The flame stung the shadows, warding them away.