Chapter 150 A Ship, a Captain and a Vampire (2/2)

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”So you can...make them unaware of you?” asked Jeremiah.

”No it's more...a very strong persuasion”.

Jeremiah didn't know how he felt about that, but thankfully Rassa's actions had ensured that no one was in panic on his vessel.

”Any other abilities I should know about?” asked Jeremiah.

Rassa hesitated.

Jeremiah sighed, ”Nevermind, I know magical races aren't inclined to share”.

Jeremiah stood and paced his office, Rassa waiting impatiently and in a very tense state for Jeremiah to make his decision. Finally, Jeremiah paused and turned to Rassa.

”Can you promise that you will not harm my crew?”

Rassa nodded, ”Of course. The crew isn't in any danger from me unless I'm locked away and starved”.

Jeremiah could sense another story there, but from the look in Rassa's eyes decided not to pry.

”And they will continue to remain unaware?” asked Jeremiah.

Rassa realised that Jeremiah had no intention of informing the rest of the crew about Rassa's condition. Likely Rassa would have to continue to hide from them. It was not ideal, but Rassa could understand why Jeremiah would want that. He agreed, ”I can do that”.

”Then I will ferry you to the Southern Continent, but if anything happens, you will be held responsible. I cannot speak for the rest of the crew in this decision which is why I would prefer if you to kept quiet about it,” Jeremiah stated. Then he frowned, ”You can still eat normal food, you've been seen doing so”.

Rassa grimaced, ”I prefer not to”.

Jeremiah sighed, ”I don't know how else we can get around that...”

”Well...if it helps, I much prefer night time. I'm happy to be on perpetual night watch, that should somewhat limit my interactions with the crew,” Rassa replied, ”And I won't see them at meal times”.

Jeremiah raised an eyebrow, ”That why the hood is a permanent feature?”

Rassa nodded, ”Sunlight hurts my eyes”.

Jeremiah sighed, ”I'll let Midas know about the night watch then. You report tomorrow for your first watch”.

Rassa nodded again, standing, ”Thankyou, Captain”.

Jeremiah shook his head, ”I can't say I'm completely convinced, but anyone who comes up with something like drinking blood is either insane or a very divergent individual. You're not insane, you're too lucid and intelligent for that”.

Rassa shook his head, ”Can't say I agree with either of those. I could be both for all I know. I haven't really had the chance to figure it out”.

Jeremiah sighed, ”Alright, off with you. I'm assuming you'll at least use some of that coin at the auction tonight”.

Rassa wasn't sure about that. But he was sure that the last 100 Protection Charms were going to be a gold mine.