Chapter 137 A Surname (1/2)
When Rassa and Kit returned that afternoon, it was to find that those in residence at The Ruin had done their best to clean up the kitchen. Rassa and Kit handed out apples to the children who were more than shocked to realise that they were able to eat a whole apple each. While Sharli and Iah did their best to ensure the children didn't make themselves sick by scarfing down what was given to them, Rassa had Kit sit down at a makeshift table and start etching away at a piece of paper.
”I'll be back in an hour or so, make sure no one touches the food or they don't get to join in the feast tonight,” Rassa ordered. Kit nodded obediently then watched as Rassa seemed to dissolve into the shadows.
Aegin was right where Rassa had left him, hanging out in a cave half way up the volcano on Rouke Island, napping amongst crates of Evanine Crystals.
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Rassa kicked his boot, jolting his friend awake. Aegin sat up with a dagger in hand, only to relax when he realised who it was that had awoken him. He sheathed the dagger and stretched high as he yawned.
”So, how went the house hunting?”
”Alright,” Rassa replied, he handed the deed he'd retrieved from the salesman whilst out with Kit, and Aegin read it out, smirking at the name he found at the bottom.
”Moonshadow?” asked Aegin.
Rassa rolled his eyes, snatching back the sheet, ”You try and come up with a name on the spot”.
Aegin shrugged, ”No, actually, I think it suits you”.
Rassa raised an eyebrow.
”It kind of reminds me of that night in Fountain Ridge when you dropped from the skies, your wings spread wide enough to block out the light from the moon,” Aegin replied, ”Rassa Moonshadow”.
Rassa could tell Aegin was serious, a far cry from the teasing he'd expected. Rassa scoffed, ”That's more menacing a thought than I had intended. Not sure if I even wanted to invoke certain thoughts with my name. I just combined two things that I feel reflect who I am. What I am”.
Aegin stood as he stretched out, ”Well, it could change I suppose, but I like I said. I think it suits you. Rassa Moonshadow. Sounds both foreboding and powerful.
Rassa's eyes narrowed, ”Like I said, there was no such intention behind it. Out of curiosity, if you had to pick your own last name, what would you go for?”
Aegin seemed surprised, then shrugged, ”I'm not anyone important, Rassa, I don't need a last name”.
”Humour me,” Rassa smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Aegin thought for a moment, then smiled faintly, ”When I was amongst the Ridge Men, daggers were the weapons I happened to pick up the fastest. Considering how young I was, I was nicknamed 'little thorn' by some of the older instructors. It didn't stick once I started training in other weapons, but I always liked the thorn analogy. Don't really know why”.
”Aegin Thorn,” Rassa tested, ”It's not bad, feels incomplete though”.
”Oh? What else would you add to it?”
”I don't know yet, I'm sure we'll figure it out along the way though,” Rassa replied.
Aegin shrugged, ”I don't need a last name, so I doubt it”.
Aegin turned to the crates of crystals behind him, ”So are we moving them?”.
”Not quite yet, gotta get the area ready,” Rassa said, ”But I figured you were bored up here and wondered if you were in the mood for a feast”.
”A feast implies food so, obviously,” Aegin grinned.
Rassa held out a hand. Aegin grimaced. He hated the shadow travel that Rassa used, it always made him feel queasy. Aegin reached out a hand hesitantly and took Rassa's before he felt his body lurch and split and melt before reassembling again. He turned pale as his stomach protested just like he knew it would. He caught his breath as he leaned against a wall, the warehouse in Port Cresh from what he managed to acknowledge in his state.
Ebony waited to the side, counting the coins she'd made that day.
”Good afternoon,” she stated, ”Did you find what you were looking for?”
”Yes, and I'm having a feast to celebrate, though could use your help with the cooking considering me taste testing things will be pretty useless,” Rassa smiled.