Chapter 134 A New Commodity (1/2)
”Have you heard?”
”Heard what?”
”The incredible new product you can buy at the Rouke Markets?”
”You don't happen to mean the shield no one can see that is generated from an Evanine Crystal?”
”Of course I do! Such an incredible product. I saw it working when Dock Master Taylor met with a rather unreasonable Captain. The Captain had his sailors beat Taylor in order to intimidate the man into giving a spot at the docks for free. But low and behold, when the sailors went to start the fight they found their fists stopped mid-air, their fingers broken as if they'd punched a wall made from stone!”
”Truly a remarkable product, the makers must be making a fortune!”
”A fortune? I've heard they've sold less than a hundred products”.
”Aye, but each is worth the cost of one's life”.
”The cost of one's life?”
”They become indebted?”
”No, no, the literal cost in coin. The seller literally barters until the individual wishing to buy one of the protective charms says the price they think they are worth. The lowest so far I heard has been thirty gold coins, the most expensive near five hundred when Lord Delrowe purchased one of their products”.
”How do they get away with such a thing?”
”No one has worked it out yet. But all the customers walk away thinking they've paid a fair price, especially those who have experienced the charm in use. In fact, some feel that whatever they paid is cheap”.
”30 Gold is cheap?”
”I can't imagine feeling that way for 30 gold. My annual salary is barely a fraction of that”.
”Well, how much do you think your life is worth?”
”What do you mean?”
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”Apparently that's the question that is asked by the seller”.
”I don't know, if I make nowhere near 30 gold I can't possibly be worth that much. At best, I'd be worth 10”.
”They'd never sell such a product for that little”.
This, Rassa supposed, was the fatal flaw of his resolve to price the protective charms according to what one believed the value of their lives were. Once the pattern was realised of the price changing depending on how one valued themselves, and according to one's social standing and earnings, it would likely be met with problem. That was why Rassa didn't intend to keep selling in this fashion. After all, he'd no doubt encounter a lot of ire the longer he decided to work that way. If he wished to sell the same products in future, he would have to determine a set price. The process he had come up with using the Truth Charm would only work for so long.
Still, that wouldn't stop him from keeping to his current quota until the end of the festival. They were selling many more of the stones now. It was only coming towards the end of the second of fourteen days and they had just over 2000 charms left. Though, Rassa had moved 2,250 gem stones, including those which he'd marked with differing runes, to another location which Aegin was guarding until Rassa found somewhere appropriate to put them. He'd earned roughly another 1,500 gold from his sales over the past two days. Ebony was working hard, hard enough that they'd hired a guard by the name of Raul to ensure none of the merchandise was stolen. His pay? He'd only asked for one of the crystals. Ebony had insisted that she pay him, but apparently he had plenty of gold saved up from his previous work. Honestly, saying that only made Rassa and Ebony speculate what his previous work was for him to have gold saved up.
Today, as he walked to streets of Port Lace with the man who was showing him available properties, he'd found plenty of amusement out of the conversations of the locals. Knowing that his products were spoken about so avidly on the other side of the island was just asking to pet his ego. Which some would think was already big enough, but considering what he'd been through, knowing that his work was valued really put a welcome smile on his face.