Chapter 111 A Shadow in Red (1/2)
Despite having warned the Captain the night before, it didn't sit well with Rassa to just leave things as they were. Something, an instinct of some kind, was telling him that things would be a whole lot better if he just helped. He'd been distracted for most of the day just thinking about it. Had even purposely chosen to work at the Saar Docks, those right next to the Token Docks, so that he could monitor the situation better. His hearing had been concentrated and on high alert all day, and his ears were beginning to feel strained.
So when their work ended for the day, and he went to follow Aegin and Ebony, the two of them paused and turned to him.
”Look, you've been fidgeting all day, we know something is up,” Aegin said.
Rassa paused, hesitant. Aegin went to speak but Ebony slapped a hand over his mouth.
”Just go. We'll meet you back at the apartment later tonight,” Ebony said.
Rassa looked at the two of them, then nodded in thanks before he turned and headed for the Token docks. Aegin slapped Ebony's hand away.
”I wasn't gonna push him,” Aegin grumbled.
”Sure you weren't,” she replied, ”Come on, I'm hungry”.
Aegin didn't argue with her.
Meanwhile, Rassa followed his senses through the streets. Seeing as it was still daylight, he'd be more easily spotted along the rooftops even if he did take advantage of his speed. Instead he chose to weave through streets and alleys at a human pace, though somewhat hurried, in order to find those he was looking for.
He found them eventually, waiting on the edge of one of the quieter outer parts of the city. It was one of the back roads certainly, but most of the carts headed for the Token docks took this road because it was less busy than the main streets.
If they were still waiting here, then the goods hadn't been delivered yet.
Rassa watched from the shadows as Ewan handed out swords to his companions.
”Remember, no one gets out alive,” Ewan said.
Clearly, the hours between last night and now had thrown Ewan further over the edge. Either that or he didn't expect to be caught. Rassa supposed the lack of witnesses helped in that regard, along with the fact that there was no evidence to catch up to him from last time.
Still, this was a stupid idea conceived by a vengeful man. From what Rassa had seen, the others Ewan had brought with him were average in fighting at best. While he hadn't actually witnessed them fighting before, he'd seen enough of their movements to be able to determine minimal training and experience, a trait both his father and Victor had insisted he hone in order to size up his enemies as accurately as possible.