Chapter 95 A Temporary Arrangemen (1/2)
Aegin and Ebony were awaiting him at the apartment when he got back. He'd spent a few hours wondering around the Port by moonlight. Mostly to have some semblence of peace, though the reasoning he gave was that he was looking at where they could get work the next morning. You could ascertain such a thing by how many ships were in each dock and the size of the ships. Were the ships anchored out further in the bay or at the dock itself? Were they sunken further in the water, weighed down by their cargo, or were their barnacled hulls visible above the water line? What about the warehouses on the docks? Did they look full or not? There were many things to consider that would determine the next day whether or not there would be much work available.
Rassa dropped down onto the small balcony attached to their apartment where Aegin waited for him, relaxing as he balanced his weight on the railing.
”Did you at least get what you left for?”
Rassa knew that it annoyed Aegin when he left Ebony with him.
”Did you at least make it back to the apartment without bloodshed?” Rassa replied.
Aegin rolled his eyes, ”You make it sound like a sin to hit her”.
Rassa's eyes narrowed and Aegin returned it with a deadpanned look, ”She's fine”
Rassa turned away, letting silence spread between them for a moment before he changed the subject, ”The Token District has few full warehouses and about 6 trade ships awaiting cargo. I think we'd better head there tomorrow”.
Aegin nodded in response, ”Is your plan to work here for cheap coin for the rest of your life? Because while you don't use it on food, it's still not much”.
Aegin was right, the work at the docks was only just enough to feed them. The spare coin that Rassa earned was used towards their rent. Anything extra, which was very little, were used for bare necessities. Having Ebony has been useful in a way because they didn't need to go to a tailor for clothing. Ebony just needed the materials and she made the clothing herself. It was much cheaper. It was also how Rassa had acquired his new hood, and Aegin his new set of clothes that weren't as assassin-like as his previous attire. Rassa sighed as he looked at Aegin.
”You don't have to stick around,” Rassa stated, ”You're free to do what you please, Aegin, you don't have to follow behind me because you're worried I might snap”.