Chapter 58 The Meeting with the Alpha (2/2)
From the implication, Rassa ascertained that an Alpha Magus was clearly bad for the losing Alphas, whatever it was. Looking at the behaviour of the Lycans so far, it was probably a fight.
Victor sighed, ”Then why did you agree to meet?”
Grim glanced at Victor with his dark eyes, clearly unwilling to share this information, but knowing he had no other choice in order to convince Victor, ”Because the likeliness of me winning is slim. My pack is not large, and because we border your lands we are not in the immediate line of fire. But I can't deny that the possibility of gaining aid from your Coven would grately increase our chances of survival”.
”Not Victory?” asked Victor.
Grim leaned forward, ”Are you so out of touch that you have not even received the Order's new doctrine?”
”You can't be serious in saying you believe such Bullsh*it. 'In the pursuit of prosperity, Order shall reign supreme and eradicate the Chaotic darkness to imbue all corners of the world in light'? You can't eradicate Chaos,” Victor scoffed.
”I understand the Law of Balance dictates that Order and Chaos shall not exist without the other, but it never implied that the Balance couldn't be skewed,” Grim replied, ”If we do not act quickly, all of us will perish. They've already taken the Dragons out. The most powerful amongst us all. The Foxes have gone into hiding, and all the subraces are being hunted for sport. How long do you think it'll take them to deal with the rest of us?”
Victor was silent for a long time, then he took a step forward to the side of the marquee and reached towards his shadow. His hand disappeared into it momentarily, then he withdrew a long scrolled map and walked back to the table, unrolling the map before Grim.
”Show me what you know”.
Grim looked down at the map, a full continental map of the world, then he began.
That single map showed Rassa more about the world than he'd ever known. He'd come to know how the world had once been shaped, and had become more aware than ever before of how terrible a cost Order had paid without even knowing it. With the death of Chaos, Order had practically turned their backs on all acknowledgement of their opposition ever existing, and by doing so, had lost the technological advancements that had once made them thrive. While Rassa could not pinpoint exactly what had caused those that survived to either abandon or die out on entire continents, he didn't think it would be anything good.
What disturbed him more was the God Class Magician that had been mentioned before. There was such a thing? It had never been brought up in conversation before. Clearly not even the Magicians knew their was another stage of their development that they'd completely forgotten about. And whatever Dragons and the Foxes that Grim had mentioned were, Rassa doubted that they were any less powerful that Victor. Maybe more so from the way Grim seemed to idolise them.
In all, the lesson had been incredibly beneficial in terms of informing Rassa just how far the world had declined whilst the Balance between Order and Chaos had been skewed. With this, he came to one absolute conclusion.
His existence was necessary. It may have been bloody and dark and terrifying, but it was necessary. And with that, he was one step closer to acceptance.