Chapter 39 The Kiss of the Air (1/2)

Jane was not all that aware of her surroundings when she regained consciousness. Mostly because her arms and shoulders ached as if she'd been lifting baskets of fruit for a week straight. She frowned and moaned at the pain, then lifted her hands to rub her shoulders. As soon as her fingers skimmed over her shoulders, she jolted upright. What by the gods was that feeling? She shifted again, eyes wide as her fingers skimmed over the skin of her shoulders and she felt it inside herself. She looked down, and then gave a little squeak of alarm as she noticed the glimmering silvery-white lines that covered her shoulders and upper arms. She hurriedly stood from her bed, moving to the door of her room and out into the main room where her mother and father were sitting with worried looks on their faces, Falla sitting beside them. They all looked up at her sudden entrance, and stood in surprise.

”What happened?” asked Jane.

Falla grinned and moved to Jane, wrapping her in her arms, ”You're okay, thank the gods!”

Jane frowned, ”Seriously, what happened?”

Falla moved back, ”You don't remember?”

Jane shook her head, turning to face her parents for an explanation.

”Jane were attacked by Rassa after he got out last night,” her mother stated, ”You awakened as a Wind Magician and used your new power to fight him off and capture him”.

As her mother spoke, the memories came back to Jane is a rush. After a moment, she spoke again.

”That wasn't Rassa,” Jane insisted.

Jane's father sighed in annoyance, ”Of course it was, the boy is a monster. I can't believe I allowed you to be so close with him all these years, he is one of the best examples of a sheep in wolf's clothing. You should not blindly trust-”

”I don't blindly trust him!” snapped Jane, ”He's my best friend! I think I'd know it if my best friend attacked me”.

”You sound ridiculous, Jane,” her father stated, ”I won't have you talking about it anymore”.


”Jane, come and eat something, the Doctor insisted you should after you wake up-”

”Mother, I-”

”Enough!” her father snapped.

Jane was silent as she looked at her father in shock. What had gotten into him? He'd always loved Rassa before. All the adults had. Why was it that now he had changed, they all treated him as if he was always like this? As if there hadn't been any significant change that occurred to him. It seemed as if in their eyes, Rassa had always been a monster.

Jane turned to Falla, ”You believe me, right?”

Falla's eyes looked sad, ”I...” She looked at Jane's parents and their disapproving gazes, then she started again, ”Well...he did attack you Jane”.

”That wasn't him,” Jane insisted.

”I won't have that boy mentioned in my house again, now eat up,” Jane's Father insisted before he picked up his hat and boots and left the house.

Jane frowned, ”I'm not wrong. I know that wasn't Rassa”.

Jane pushed passed Falla and back out the door, determined to find her best friend for proof. Only, as soon as she stepped outside, she was met with her father's back as he too stood in front of their house, looking at the beautiful woman who stood beside Baron Peters.