Chapter 36 The Call of the Wind (1/2)
Jane ran, the screaming following her like a vengeful ghost. She couldn't count the amount of times she'd stumbled and fallen. It had slowed her progress significantly, but she didn't let it stop her. She needed to keep going. She needed to warn everyone. She needed to tell Phillip.
Through the fear, she'd managed to register what the Rassa-who-was-not-Rassa had said. Phillip knew a weakness. That metal, Anthrite, whatever it was, the monster didn't like it at all.
Jane broke through the edge of the forest, sprinting towards the town, as she reached the border, she realised she couldn't hear the screaming anymore. She'd never thought silence could be more terrifying than the sound of tens of men screaming, but as the fear nearly paralysed her, she realised she never wanted to hear silence again. She forced her limbs to move.
A burst of wind came from behind her, though it did not feel entirely natural. Jane didn't dare turn around as she sprinted through the town.
”He's out!” she screamed, ”Rassa is out!”
This, more than the distant sounds of the camp, alerted the town to the current situation. Some who were closer had speculated, but others had tuned it out, unwilling to face reality. Now, they had no choice. They were awake, and god forbid if they saw the horror that awaited them.
Phillip, Anna and Turney all stood from their spots at Jane's shouted warning. It had echoed down the quiet streets, there was no way anyone wouldn't hear it.
The shouted echoed, and Phillip didn't hesitate a second longer as he turned to Turney, ”Get the chains”.
Turney moved the same time that Phillip did.
The older Knight General made for the door, opening it and running to his saddle bags which sat undisturbed on his horse. It was here, as the Knight General removed the large travelling coat that he'd placed to conceal his sword, that Turney hesitated. He eyed the sword, and after only a second's hesitation, unsheathed it.
Inside, Phillip rushed to his room, quickly shifting the bed and lifting a loose plank of wood there. He took out his own sword just as Jane's voice rung out again, much closer this time.
”Phillip, help!”
Phillip was on his feet in an instant, moving out the door swiftly. He looked down the street, spotting Jane running towards him, then he turned to face Turney.
”The Cha-”
Phillip took in Turney holding the sword, and his eyes widened, ”No! Get the chains!”
Turney looked shocked at Phillip's insistence, and he hesitated a moment before turning to grab at the Saddlebags, unstrapping them as quickly as he could.
Phillip turned back to where Jane was running towards him, his eyes widening as he spotted the blurred figure rapidly approaching from behind her, eyes glowing bright red.
”Rassa, no!” Phillip shouted.
The boy didn't listen, one second, Jane was running towards Phillip, the next, she was pinned against the well at the other end of the street, staring into the startlingly red eyes as she gasped for breath, a pale hand as strong as steel wrapped around her throat.
Jane asked, struggling for breath.
”Rassa, please!”
”You did well to make it that far little girl,” the boy spoke. That still wasn't Rassa's, not the one she knew anyway.