Chapter 21 The Answer to all the Killing (1/2)
Regardless of whether the training sessions were valid or not, Rassa still ventured out every night, usually much later than normal and without his father's company. Sometimes it was to practice, other times to hunt, but the most common thing that Rassa loved to do more than anything else, was run.
Rassa could spend hours moving across the north-western landscape with nothing to bar his way. He had practically mapped the entire thing to memory, and it was during one of these occasions that he discovered the pleasures of the Varkevia Night Market.
After all, if a two kilometre sprint took him barely ten seconds, 60 kilometres was easy for Rassa to cover in a little over 5 minutes.
Despite his poor attire of a shirt, trousers, boots a jacket and his hood, Rassa realised quite quickly that his pale skin drew attention. His dark hair and eyes were also a topic of discussion, as he realised by listening in on the various conversations in the market. After some consideration, he pulled up his hood and continued on his way.
The market was filled with all manner of goods. Clothing, jewellery, baskets, pins, candles, and all manner of food, whether freshly cooked or freshly grown. Rassa marvelled at its splendour, and even paused in the central square where a minstrel band played merrily for the crowd that gathered. It was walking past one such Vendor that Rassa was forcefully drawn in.
”Hey! Boy, come over and try these brand new honey cakes! They're all the rage in the capital!” the Vendor bragged.
Rassa paused for a moment and looked over, the flower shaped cakes were small, but glazed over the top, and Rassa looked up at the Vendor, ”I have no money”.
The Vendor seemed disappointed, ”What about your parents? Surely one of them is around?”
On que, the Vendor looked up and down the street then back at Rassa.
”Sorry,” Rassa shrugged with a small smile.
”Ah, probably for the best,” the Vendor sighed in disappoint in a much quieter tone, ”These things are addicting their so sweet and such sweet things are best had in moderation. A little every day”.
Rassa knew the statement was not directed at him as the Vendor went to draw another customer in. But still, the last four words suddenly reverberated in Rassa.