Chapter 12 The Loss of Innocence (1/2)
As Rassa drew further and further into the woods, he could feel anticipation filling his being. He couldn't believe he was going to do this. If this parents knew...if anyone knew...what would they think of him? Rassa knew it was more than likely they would be repulsed by him. But if his intuition was right, Rassa had no choice in the matter. This was his reality now, it was time to stop denying it.
Finally, his body aching so much he was standing through will-power alone, Rassa came to the edge of the rabbit meadow.
Just like two days before, the meadow was filled with rabbits, undisturbed by Rassa's soundless approach. Raising his nose into the air, Rassa inhaled, and scented the meadow. It didn't smell as good as any of the humans he'd smelt, but his stomach was craving so badly that it readily let him know that this would be enough.
Rassa hesitated only a moment before he gave over to those instincts. He was so hungry, so pitifully sore, that in that moment he would give anything to feel full.
The meadow grew still for a moment, hanging suspended in time, before a small figure sprinted across the meadow and snatched up one of the rabbits so quickly that the others barely knew what happened. Rassa stopped against a tree on the far side of the meadow. The rabbit struggled in his hands, trying to get away. Rassa turned his back to the tree and slid down, looking at the rabbit with sad eyes, tears welling as he did so. The fact that he could hear its heart accelerate, and see its eyes darting, yet hold it before him so still. It made Rassa realise in that moment how utterly helpless it was against him.
”I'm sorry,” Rassa spoke softly, his voice cracking, ”If I had another choice...but you are my other choice”.
Rassa's gums ached painfully, and he groaned as he felt two of his top teeth extend down at least an inch. He had to open his mouth to accommodate them, and he whimpered at the pain. Then, looking at the rabbit one last time, he turned it and bit down where he could see the unmistakable pulse of blood.
It was easy, like cutting threw butter left in the sun. There was no resistence, and if instinct had not stopped him at a certain point, Rassa was positive he would have bit the rabbit's head clean off.
The rabbit struggled against Rassa, but Rassa held it still as he took a breath, then sucked.
As soon as the blood hit his tastebuds, Rassa knew this would satisfy the hunger. The taste left something to be desired, it was only slightly better than the way normal food had tasted to him in the past two days. Okay, but not enough flavour. Rassa breathed, sucked then swallowed in a continuous sequence until he realised there was nothing left. He withdrew his new fangs carefully, then took a long look at the limp, dead rabbit in his hands. He felt his tears fall, and hugged the dead rabbit as he bowed his head in shame.
He'd killed it. And the worst part was, the hunger was still there. Rassa knew he'd barely scratched the surface.