Chapter 6 The Life Lines (2/2)

”Phillip?” asked Anna.

”They...they look like life lines,” Phillip said slowly.

”Life lines?” asked Anna and the Doctor. Anna was confused, but the Doctor seemed to connect the logic.

”They do I suppose, though I haven't seen them in person I have seen images,” the Doctor admitted, ”But-”

”But life lines are usually white or silver in colour, not black,” Phillip finished.

”What are life lines?” asked Anna, looking between the Doctor and her husband. Phillip sat back as he looked at his son's sleeping form.

”I've only seen them once, when I was still in training,” Phillip admitted, ”Life lines are marks upon the skin of any individual who possesses magic. They tell the story of an individual, and give the individual power, giving them a direct line in accessing not only their soul, but the energies of our world. Humans don't possess them unless they become magicians, but races like the elves and dwarves possess them naturally from birth. But, like I said, their life life lines are white or silver, never have I seen or even heard record of black life lines”.

”So...Rassa possesses magic now?” asked Anna.

”In theory...though I have no idea what that magic could be,” Phillip admitted.

”Is it normal for him to seem so...disturbed, when someone touches them?” asked the Doctor.

Phillip nodded, ”Life lines are that individual's connection to their soul, their very existence mapped out on their skin. Touching it...I know amongst races that possess them from birth it's taboo to do so by anyone but a life partner or blood relative”.

The adults were silent as they all watched the sleeping Rassa, then Phillip spoke, ”We need to put a shirt on him, don't let him see it at first. It'll scare him. He needs to be calm, or this new power of his might very well lash out to protect him. Whatever it is. Just treat him normally, comfort him. When he is ready, he will ask on his own”.

The Doctor nodded in agreement, and Anna did so as well, scared for her only child.

”I...I know it's not the right time yet, but when it comes...should the Academy be notified?” asked Anna. She had no experience with the great and powerful entity herself, after all, no one in the village had ever received life lines.

Phillip was silent, then shook his head, memories of the darker times in his life coming to the forefront. He spoke in one of the most firm and commanding voices Anna had ever heard him use then, ”Not unless absolutely necessary”.

Anna stopped herself from asking why. Something told her she would rather not know.