Chapter 205 - I-Im leaving... (1/2)
(Flashback continues)
Some people took relationsh.i.p.s too lightly when they gambled with it. The love between two people should never involve something like bets and all that bullshit with the third person. Because it just shows either overconfidence or the lack of trust. I would never give a place to these two terms in my life. Neither I would be overconfident, nor would I have a lack of trust. Matters of hearts should not be dealt with calculations. Calculations, planning, plotting results in the downfall of any relationship.
”I don't gamble with my relationsh.i.p.s,” I said firmly. ”If I see you again with my wife, I swear to god that I won't let you off,” I replied, threatening him. I knew my threats would not work on him.
”You'll stop me from seeing your wife? Do you have the capability? You cannot even save her from getting hurt, and you dare to warn me. What a joke?”
(Flashback ends)
The knocking sound on the door broke me out of my reverie. Karan's words from that night still rang in my ears. He was right; I could not save my wife from getting hurt. How useless I was! I wiped the tears from my face.
I pulled myself from the chair to open the door. I knew who was outside of the door. Just as I pulled the door open, I found her standing outside of the door, fidgeting with her fingers, tears streaming down her face.
To me, she looked completely ridiculous. Though someone should not make fun of the crying person, how could I not feel disgusted at the mere sight of her?
Knowingly or unknowingly, she had sprouted the nonsense she should not have. I could not bring myself to forgive her. Somewhere, she had become a catalyst, and I had said those words to Innaya.
I folded my hands across my chest, staring at the woman before me.
I knew it had been almost a couple of hours to that ruckus she had created. If she wanted things to calm down, then she had to stay the hell out of my sight. But, then again, watching her aggrieved face, the scene of her crying in childhood, and me taking care of her flashed before my eyes.
I sighed as I calmed down myself. She was like a sister to me. I had often taken care of her in our childhood. For the sake of those childhood days, and the affection we had shared, I had to tone it down.
”What is it?” I questioned, toning down my voice to not frighten her.