Chapter 91 - Kidnapped (1) (1/2)
| Eshan |
I gazed lovingly into her mysteriously enticing eyes as we stepped out of the mall with all the shopping bags in my hand as I refused to allow my lady to hold the burden.
It was Innaya's idea to go out for some shopping as she needed some appliances for home and I grabbed the opportunity to roam through the mall to pick some beautiful outfits for my exquisite wife. The morning nightmare was still fresh in my memory.
However, after having her before my eyes, happy and content, I could get over my worries. Innaya also unknowingly helped me in overcoming my anxiety for her antics changed my depressed mood. Watching her carefree figure, enjoying the little trip, I could not help the happiness bubbling within my chest.
Oh, how I wished the time to stand still! Oh, how I wished I could keep staring at her just like that! Oh, how I wished for her to stay always in front of my eyes just like that! Oh, how I wished for Innaya's presence around me until my last breath!
I never knew I was capable of being so emotionally romantic, passionate and vulnerable at the same time. It was Innaya who had made me feel all that I had felt and was feeling.
”Innayaaa,” I screamed as an unexpected event unfolded before my eyes.
A black SUV had stopped before us and three men came out, grabbed Innaya and began pushing her in the SUV.
The bags in my hands automatically fell on the ground as I ran forward and grasped Innaya's hand as tightly as I could. Terror rose inside my chest as I spent a moment glancing at those masked men who seemed professional at their work - at kidnapping.
I heard her shouting as she wiggled to get out of their hold and come towards me.
Innaya was almost crying by then.
”Innaya, Innaya - don't. Trust me. I would not let you go.” With that, I raised my leg up to kick one of the men who was holding Innaya and he fell on the ground right at that instant with my furious force.
Within a moment, I noticed Innaya's fear turning into determination as perhaps, she remembered that she was a black belt in Karate. Things had happened in a blink of an eye that none of us had got time to even understand the situation let aside fighting it.
Before I could walk further and get my Innaya back, I felt a rod hitting behind my knees and I fell on them, on the ground. The hit was hard and my legs couldn't withstand the pain.
”Eshaaaan,” Innaya shrieked as she struggled harder looking at my pained face but she stood still the moment one of those men whispered something in her ear and her eyes froze, looking in my direction but not at me. She was looking behind me.
I was about to turn back when Innaya stopped me.
”Eshan, listen to me.”
Somehow, for some odd reasons, I didn't want to. Was it my dream coming true? Was she going away from me forever? No, no, no. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen.
Pressing my palms on the ground, I attempted to get up but someone banged another rod on my back and I fell straight on my front on the road.
”Stop it. Stop it,” Innaya screeched, before she turned her head to the man beside her, ”stop it.”
I used the entire strength in me to raise my head from the ground and I looked at her.
”Eshan. I love you. I am sorry.” She held my gaze for a long while before herself getting in the car and before I could get out of the shock of what she was saying and doing and say anything to her, the car vanished before my eyes and so did my wife, Innaya Eshan Singhania.
I did not know how long I stayed there, on the ground. It took me a long time to let the situation sink in, to let the fact sink in that