Chapter 179: Michu vs Oqow (1/2)

The High Heaven Headquarters.

They had each in the game and real life!

In the game, it was in the center where the three kingdoms had their important businesses going on. In this land, the high heaven guild had their guild house, which was a skyscraper with a mixture of old and modern architecture.

On the very highest floor, Yumi's father was currently looking over his important stuff. His eyes remained stoic, and he never blinked as the numbers flashed before him!

He was in real life as of now.

But as his secretary barged in, his eyes shifted to her and asked, ”So they made the first move.”

”Eh?” The secretary blinked a few times, then wiped off her sweaty forehead, ”Yes! Venomous, Michu, Zerze, and Kaiser, with additional help from The Amazon Guild, had attacked one of our cities... It's an important city with gold and crystal mines...”

The father's eyes widened, ”This unfilial...” Other than the guild house, the high heaven guild had countless important cities to their business.

Michu and Venomous had been destroying their streaming network as players from the high heaven guild were scared to move around!

They just didn't want to get the piss mana banana-ed!

The worst was that it was hard to erase through normal means... And everyone knew that special means meant more money!

No way the boss would save everyone!

To add fuel to the fire, Yumi aimed at the important cities with high-income value!

The boss's eyes flared, and he said, ”Call Oqow and have him destroy them.”

”It's that... Lil Monke is too strong.”

”How can he be strong enough to destroy Oqow?” The boss scoffed, and his eyes returned to the screen.

The secretary cast his troubled eyes, then obliged.


Oqow had his famous party!

They even had a nickname - The High Cloud Aspiration Party!

They were known for their winning streak, and each party member would have problems recalling failures from the past.

They were that good and victorious!

Oqow was the epic class knight - Two Golden Bright Swords!

Rather than a knight, it would be better to call him a dual-wielder or swordsman, but he had a lot of HP as well. His armor was heavy, too heavy for the tank, so it added the impression that he was a tank!

Oqow and his full party appeared in the High Heaven Golden City.

It was a living hell here.

The golden crystal had been used, and the formations were destroyed.

Kaiser's army had entered the city and killed all players, leaving the NPCs alone! Of course, if an NPC tried to go against Michu's party, the party would do their best to knock the resident unconscious.

Alas, if the NPC turned out to be too hard to deal with, they would kill.

One couldn't waste time here.

Besides, the NPCs had noticed that they were spared, so the NPCs from The High Heaven Guild tried to leverage that.

The snake saw through them and cleverly dealt with the problem.

Oqow was flabbergasted, ”This has to be pay to win, but no way these poor bastards would be able to buy impregnable defense!”

In the golden city, it was easy to see who was where.

The strongest beasts from the black army were around Kaiser.

Zerze continued to spit out the ice with every move, so he was surrounded by it.

Yumi had her party, and she also kept people poisoned, so the air was polluted.

And Michu was loud and flying on his golden clouds!

”I will take 1vs1 against Lil Monke. You do the rest,” Oqow passed his instructions, then assigned one healer for his side.

The healer was long since skilled in dealing with Oqow's battle style, so he would take a hidden spot and use his techniques to heal him secretly.

His party nodded and scattered across the golden city.

Little did Oqow know that the battle against Michu one versus one was his worst decision.


Michu was a different beast altogether.

The divine sense had assimilated with him, and he could use it permanently without any toil, mana, or hp loss... He was a beast that only needed staff and his body!

Michu tore through the enemies and killed them all in one sweep.

Each enemy felt the five juncture points skill on their bodies before falling down!

The Critical Strikes and the unreasonable amount of damage were just too absurd and hard to believe!

He made things easier for himself by stepping on the golden clouds.