Chapter 145: It should be the banana guardian! (1/2)

”I don't think she is your fan, Michu,” Venomous suddenly startled her boyfriend.

They were already back in real life and relaxed in their room!

Michu was laying on the bed, but his girlfriend's words raised him from it. He sat down and looked at her, ”Rainbow May?”

With her head resting on her palm, Venomous didn't glance back and kept her eyes on the PC's screen, ”Yes.”

Only after Yumi clicked enough on her notes did her eyes turn to Michu, ”Let's see... Lil Monke currently has two epic moments. The most popular one is against Zerze and the other one is against Kaiser.”

”Yeah,” Michu replied and nodded a few times.

He was pretty proud of himself and Sandra's editing made the videos cooler so he was highly content with himself!

His girlfriend laughed and explained, ”Kaiser had the big army with himself and you threw yourself straight into its jaws. Your fans should know this moment well... and maybe look forward to something similar?”

”Um...” Michu caressed his chin as he pondered deeply.

Venomous carried on, ”That's just a little thought I perceived. Still, each fan is different and it's possible she didn't want to die or valued her equipment. I can imagine your fan equipping herself with the highest quality at her disposal. That's why my thoughts are just theory.”

After Yumi shared her views, Michu tried to see through Rainbow May. But he enjoyed her support skills and Michu also spent more time with Momo anyway...

But he also didn't fail to notice that his girlfriend did her best to open herself up!

Michu stood up and approached her.

His girlfriend spun on the chair and returned her eyes to the screen. At the same time, Michu's hands landed on her shoulder and he slightly pressed, ”Ah...” Although Michu didn't know how to massage, he did a good job!

His lips parted, ”We should team up with more players. Am I not popular anyway? If we team up a lot, we will eventually find good players for some permanent party! If not permanent, then we will have connections! And if Rainbow May turns out to be someone suspicious, we will cut ties!”

”If she dares to fight, then kill,” Yumi added.

Her moans intertwined with these words as Michu's massage worked well on her.

Michu gulped down, then carried on with his message.

He was already ready to defeat any kind of opponent, whether it would be some players or a guild! He would pay back anyone who dared to touch his friends and his business!

His eyes landed on Yumi's screen then.

She had been looking over her notes about the epic class quest.

It was about Hider and his disciples...

Venomous' lips parted, although the moaning kept billowing, ”That man appeared too fast in the dungeon... I plan to research the area around the dungeon, then surrounding cities to search for Nera... Then, kill.”

”But didn't I say we should relax?” Michu smiled, then his message stopped.

He skipped a few steps back and raised his hands high!

At that time, Yumi already spun on the chair and looked at him with pleading eyes, ”I beseech my master to take care of me.” She said.

Her way of saying ”Master” was kinda similar to what Momo said.

Michu giggled and pointed at the PC with his eyes, ”Turn it off, then I will take care of you.”

It was good to be blunt, but Michu already learned the allure of 'playing around' with his beloved.

Yumi was the same and she played the obedient succubus servant!

After she turned the PC off, Yumi jumped toward the doors and locked it. She then flew straight to her boyfriend and nestled herself within his embrace!

”Where should I massage?” Michu asked with a playful tone.

”Everywhere,” Yumi replied.

The couple landed on the bed a second later.

After the couple pecked each other a little, Yumi threw all her clothes aside and laid herself bare on the bed.

This day, Michu massaged his girlfriend from top to bottom.

”Front first, Doctor Michu?”