Chapter 137: Yumi feels her boyfriends dancing talent (1/2)

Michu wasn't the only one to forget about that card.

Yumi also wanted to show how she missed her boyfriend and play one of the characters from the movies she had watched together with her family.

Alas, so many factors ended up in her way.

It began with the abundant friend's requests, a few interesting private messages from those friends, and one that had a big status.

Yumi also got too much into TV with her family...

And the simplest one - the TV was just too loud.

Of course, Yumi could've begun her play from here, but the weight of new friends was a curiosity she couldn't just shove away. She ended up inviting monke to the bed where she sat down with mom and her sister, then they ended up listening to monke while he showed off his photos.

”I will go and take a bath!” Michu answered this silence naturally and innocently, then went to the bathroom.

After he disappeared, Mom's inward worries poured down on Yumi, ”We all tend to have secrets, right?” Although mom had nothing to hide and so did Nana as they were a poor family without much stuff before, Yumi could have her secrets due to her sad past.

Nonetheless, those were also revealed.

And honest Michu also didn't hide anything, but this time, he shoved his phone back in his pocket and rushed to the bathroom as if... he had some inappropriate photos with other women!

Was that affair?

In a normal world, it would be a scandal!

However, it was the world where harem law was introduced to.

That was Michu's mom's problem. She didn't know what men or women could do right now! If Michu had an affair with someone, would that be acceptable because it could be a potential wife candidate?

Could people just go around and enjoy others while saying that 'She might be my wife soon' or whatever other reason...

Her son couldn't be such a person, but he attended the harem ambassador's wedding and if some other women ended up in love with him, then they might have snuck their way to his bed!

Michu's mom loved Yumi as she couldn't have gotten a better daughter.

But Michu was her son and she didn't want their family to fall apart!

Therefore, Michu's mom ended up supporting both sides...

”I think the password is either banana123 or banana321.” Nana had different thoughts.

It was time to break the privacy and snatch that phone! For the first time, Nana went on the offensive and proposed that idea.

The thought that her brother went for some woman already was too disappointing.

So what if that harem law went live? It went live just recently, so how could her brother disrespect his girlfriend this much?!

To begin with, her brother didn't have female friends except for Alexandra which was the witch in the game.

Miyuki could be called Michu's friend, but they also knew each other for too little.

And that was exactly the crux of Nana's problem.

Her brother went to the wedding, met some people and thought with his lower part, rather than his heart! How could he bone someone after knowing them for less than a few days?! That was just atrocious!

If it was Sandra, then Nana wouldn't mind at all!

It wouldn't be disrespectful, but also understandable.

But that was just Nana's bias here.

Mom and Nana were on different sides and it amused Venomous.

She chuckled and replied, ”I have already thought about harem. My prince changes and he will continue to do so... The conclusion I got was that I would be hurt, but I wouldn't be able to let him go. Unless Michu turns into a monster...” A certain figure appeared in her mind, ”I won't leave him.”

Mom sighed and patted Yumi while Nana raised her clenched hands, ”It's no good! We must at least see who is the one influencing big brother!”

”Nana, stop it.” Mom chimed in, then added after a brief silence, ”Michu will never turn into a monster who just thinks of his pleasure! That's not how I raised him!” But a faint sadness flashed past mom's eyes.

She had too much work and Michu was often alone with his sister.

”Let's not pursue this matter... It pains me to see it,” Yumi hugged everyone from her family and turned the TV on.

She couldn't bear seeing these two arguing, but if Yumi knew Nana's inward bias, she would roll her eyes on her and punish this little sister with cuddling!


[The Next Day.]

Michu woke up in the bed with his face in Yumi's breasts.

It would be the usual were it not for the trip to the big city!

He kinda missed waking up in a soft embrace, so Michu spent some time with his eyes closed while inhaling Yumi's pleasant fragrance.

It looked like her sleeping schedule had changed.

But Michu could imagine his family watching some romance movies until late, so he wasn't surprised. He slipped out of her embrace and left Yumi sleeping soundlessly. She didn't wake up despite his touch disappearing, so they must've watched until really late!

Michu's thoughts were on the spot, but they watched to forget about that folder with the password and the whole harem law.

Michu was also exhausted after his trip, so went straight to sleep after his bath!

His girlfriend must've drawn him to her side while he slept, but Michu could be only glad for that! He giggled and made a simple breakfast for himself which was cereal.

He turned on the TV and watched the news about the Four Leaf World and Main Quest! The current main quest was about the identities known as 'The Unknown' and they were quite a bother to the top guilds.

”They are like parasites,” Michu commented while munching.

The Unknown was a race that hadn't been properly researched. They were controlling people through their magic and used them as sacrifices against the residents and players! It was especially hard to fight against those as the sacrifice was always the goal.

The players also complained about how stupid it was that they lost control over their bodies and could only look at someone else controlling it from the inside!