Chapter 125: Michus journey to the big city begins (1/2)
”Big brother! If you get lost or lose your stuff, find the hotel and call us!” Nana shouted at her brother, then her hands dropped. Her big eyes were still a little worried, but Michu waved back at them and reassured with his wide smile.
All four of them were at the train station, but only Michu entered the train!
His family sent him off to the big city!
”Are you sure you don't want to go with him, Yumi?” Michu's mom asked.
Yumi shifted her eyes to mom only after Michu's train set off.
She smiled, ”Our Michu was a little sulky because we ignored him during the Harem Law Conference. I also think he wants to play with my heart a little.”
Michu was learning a lot lately and he could read Venomous' heart and eyes much better. It wouldn't be anything odd if he also decided to go to the big city alone so that she would miss him in his absence!
Though Yumi couldn't tell whether it was the case, the fact that her boyfriend went for such a big move pleased her heart and she added, ”Michu never went alone to another city. This will also be a good experience for him, right? Even I found it hard when I was alone...”
She left prison and became an adult during her sentence!
These two cases couldn't be compared, but Yumi didn't mind her boyfriend going alone.
”He's so sweet! I will definitely show him how much I miss him once he returns,” Yumi smiled brightly.
Her smile reassured Michu's relatives and they all returned to the house.
”It's time for our girly time! Let's watch romance movies that would make any man vomit!”
”Sounds fun!”
”It's shopping time!”
”Where is my cabin?” Michu turned around and began his trip to the big city.
His friend had contacted him through social media and all necessary info was in Michu's new brand phone! For now, this phone was lazing around in his pocket while he searched around the train for his cabin.
He found it a little later and entered it, ”Hello! Eh?”
Once Michu opened the doors, he found a scene that alarmed him.
It was a scene of two men trying to silence the lady. One of them had his hand on her lips while the other tried to take off her pants!
It was a scene that immediately pushed Michu into action! ”Gangsters!”
Michu grabbed the first guy by a hoodie and pulled him away from the lady! ”I thought the cabin was locked?!” He shouted after Michu drew him away from the lady!
His face sank due to Michu's punch landing perfectly on his nose! This punch knocked this man unconscious!
At that time, the lady's screams swept through the train!
It alerted others and they swarmed the area one by one!
”What's happening? This guy!” They noticed Michu holding one guy with a distorted and swollen face while another guy still remained on the ground! His hands let go of the lady's pants, but him being on the ground meant that he was also the culprit!
”I can also take him down!” Michu reassured everyone and kicked the guy's chin! If it were the game world, this guy would've already been flying worse than Konger!
Michu threw another guy onto the ground and looked at the victim, ”Are you okay?”
”I am... okay... Thank you, Lil Monke...” She knew Michu because of his fame!
Some people also noticed Michu and their impression of him increased! Of course, they urged him to help the lady, so Michu took off his jacket and covered the lady's disheveled clothes.
She thanked him again while hugging his jacket.
”We must notify the conductor,” The rest was taken care of by others!
Michu ended up alone with the lady in the cabin!
She was reminding him of someone, but it was probably due to her blonde hair. It was a little different compared to Feng's hair, as her hair was closer to golden, but Michu felt like this and her eyes were somewhat similar.