Chapter 106: A new law (1/2)

Miyuki found Venomous' smile challenging.

There were countless smart people around and she was used to facing those.

Those green eyes were the same and yet different from her father.

Since the matter was concerning her beloved, Venomous naturally didn't let out her fangs. But it didn't mean she would just stay silent and listen to another woman suddenly take over her family.

It was fine to listen to her idea, however.

”Have you gone to the dungeon? Of course, you must've gone. It's the most popular and the easiest leveling ground. Full of excitement and different mechanics; it's not just player versus monster leveling ground.” Miyuki began.

She leaned down, rested her head on hand and smiled, ”How was your first dungeon?”

”We had to look out for clues!” Michu replied.

”So if we had bananas that could increase perception or eyesight, then it would help the players greatly.” Miyuki smiled.

It didn't have to be a great increase, but even just a little would entice players and make them throw some coins to Michu's account!

”It's actually hard to get such bonuses at early levels,” Yumi said, ”I think this is a great idea. What I had in mind was to get bananas with a simple stat increase. Strength increase, agility increase; all of those would entice players and can be sold everywhere, not only in dungeons.”

”Even with the current Lil Monke's fame, it would be hard to advertise shops for the majority of players. But if you set up a booth exactly near the dungeon with the needed stat, you would be able to sell the most.” Miyuki broadly grinned.

Yumi could only nod faintly, then agree with her, ”I agree with that... But security is also the problem.”

And the realism of the game struck again!

Even magic and alchemy shops of popular NPCs and players were exposed to thievery and other players' attacks. It was why the cities were the safest spots to get a shop and even then, a lot of people hired many guards!

Michu chimed in, ”We have to get those bananas first! Haha! But I like the idea and I will talk about it with KongFu!”

”Yes, good luck. Lil Monke has my whole support,” Miyuki and her brother cheered on the monke, then Michu and Miyuki spoke about some appointment in one of her casinos where he would show her the golden bananas!

As of now, they had to move out!

”I will call out the truck,” Kyotaro excused himself and left the house to speak with some people to help Michu's family.

Michu also stood up and followed him as he wanted to speak with his savior!



”You don't have to call me savior, Michu,” Kyotaro laughed, then ended the first call.

Michu waited for him to do so, then continued, ”You are the one who decided to help my family the most! That's why, I want to repay you!” Michu spoke mostly with his sister and even made an appointment with her.

But Michu wanted to repay Kyotaro the most, so he followed him to speak about it, ”I will definitely repay all the money in the future! But I want to help too. So what else can I do other than posting pictures with your VR Capsule?”

”You don't have to do anything else,” Kyotaro patted Michu's head, ”Have fun in the game and leave all business stuff to your girlfriend and Miyuki, I guess. She kinda regrets calling you an idiot in our first meeting.”

”Really?” Michu thought, then turned heels, ”Miss Miyuki!” He shouted across the house and said, ”I am not really bothered by that! I know I have been worse than others, but things have changed and will continue to change! You are a good lady and have nice melons! I like you!”

”I am utterly speechless!” Miyuki shouted back, then Yumi's glare made her monke close the doors.