Chapter 96: I will become sweeter and you will become crueler (1/2)

Led by Cerberus, Michu and Kaiser fought against monsters on the island.

Those were nothing more, but just a hurdle to stop them for a while. Monsters were also used for other classes, but in the current Regional Tournament, Kaiser was the only one who could use them.

The three-headed puppy howled when it stopped Venomous.

Its howl was dangerous and threatening, but after Venomous' eyes landed on it, Cerberus lost its prestige and turned into a meek puppy that cutely sought forgiveness from the master!

Kaiser's eyes nearly burst out from the shock, but he believed that his Cerberus would go all out if he were to give an order!

And this puppy needed a lot of experience too!

In the future, it would be four meters tall monsters who would trample on all his enemies!

Kaiser thought! No, he desperately believed in such a future!

”Michu...” Venomous ignored The Black Magician, extended her hands and cuddled with her boyfriend on the big screen! ”I lost against Zerze.”

Yumi shared what happened and told her beloved about Zerze's title.

This man was unyielding and his title was cheating!

It goes without saying that this battle was unfair, but was Michu to fight against someone with an item from Monkey God's Home, Michu also would have an advantage over it.

It was just that simple...

If his girlfriend had her potions and other skills to close the gap, then the future might've been different. But those were just theories that were pointless right now!

Michu hugged his girlfriend back, his heart loudly thumping!

It was a feeling he had never felt before, but he really wanted to beat Zerze! It wasn't just 'beating', but he wanted his staff to take back everything from him for his beloved!

Michu's face turned serious and distorted with countless thoughts that shoved everything he had been thinking about Zerze to the side.

At the same time, Venomous felt her heart beating faster too! ”If this loss made my prince look like that, I can only say it's worth it.” Her pain was further appeased and she leaned onto his shoulder.

On the other side, Kaiser and Cerberus were looking at them with different feelings inside.

The Black Magician nearly puked rainbows while Cerberus' all six eyes were shining with stars as if this romance had sown something within its heart!

”I want to speak with Venomous alone. I will also explain our situation,” Michu turned to Kaiser and requested some privacy.

It was all fine, but Kaiser's Cerberus nodded before his master could utter a word and its three jaws pulled his leg behind!

”Cerberus!” Kaiser was too shocked by that betrayal, so he went to train his puppy again!


Before Michu explained the fraud in the Regional Tournament, he had to explain his own heart to Venomous.

He had been too bothered about something lately.

Venomous looked at him with wide eyes as Michu hadn't shown anything of such lately at all!

She listened carefully.

”It's about Zerze... I was too bothered about his situation... If he doesn't win this tournament, then his guild might not help his sister... I was too shocked when I heard about it,” Michu began the story.

What KongFu heard was shared with Yumi in a cave, so that no viewer could listen to their talk! It was a private story, but Michu needed to share it! Besides, many people were looking at Kaiser and how he trained his Cerberus.

It was one of those shows you couldn't miss.

Back to Michu's story, ”So I again did it... I put myself in Zerze's situation... and my heart ached.” As Michu imagined himself in Zerze's situation, he nearly burst out crying first! The thought that Nana's life depended on his results frightened him.

It was just imagination, but Michu couldn't have imagined himself as Zerze. He wouldn't be able to drink beer, to go around the quests as easily as him.

Maybe if this was reality, Michu would be different, but that couldn't be confirmed.

He just looked at Yumi with apologetic eyes, ”I knew I wouldn't be able to go against him... Even if this tournament was important for us.” But those eyes soon lit up, ”But after he stole your skill from you... I really want to beat him and make him lose.”

Yumi felt like that was enough.

It felt like those feelings were enough, but she also wanted her prince to beat Zerze, ”You are too sweet, Michu.” Yumi looked at him, then nestled in his embrace.

She carried on after Michu's arms wrapped around her. It was far easier to lie in this cave and be all cuddly!

Of course, the hug was pleasant and lovely, but what Yumi said was the opposite, ”I can cope with the loss of my skill because I had taken away things from others too. Michu, do you know what happened to Big K?”

”He can't play the game because he barks like a dog... And his friends didn't want to play with him either... I think his girlfriend also... went to another man,” Michu rattled off.

”True... But I also did more... His real-life will be a big mess for a while,” Yumi stressed out 'Big' as if Big K foreshadowed himself with his nickname, then explained a little.

The shock was too little to describe Michu's thumping heart.

Venomous caressed his cheek while saying, ”I am cruel... You are too sweet... We both have to change... I will become sweeter and my prince will become a little cruel. How about it?”

Her hot breath and beautiful smile were already sweet, but Michu knew what she meant. This was still too hard for him, but the realization struck him.