23 CHAPTER 23: How are you feeling hero? (2/2)

”Please don't joke about that...”.

A long silence had encroched through air afterwards. Zeran tried to utter a word at Ru yet, he just responded by embracing her with all his care. The two didn't speak with their mouths for a while nor did any action, instead they took their time of being in each other arms and expressing out their unexplainable feelings for each other. Sometime has passed, the tensed up feeling of the two were gone and they were no longer feeling each others warmths. Zeran witnessed the two identical plush dolls of themselves were near each other sitting blatantly at the distance away from the subterrenean spring. His face was riddened by a dumbstrucked look and said to Ru,

”Ru...is that doll really one of your artifacts?”.

She replies,


He noticed that the Zeran plush doll fell down with its head on the ground as it doesn't have any control to itself, unlike the Ru plush doll that looked like it was in a panic and pushed the Zeran plush doll's head upwards again, retaining its stable position. The real Zeran turned his away since he shouldn't have seen the two plush dolls cutesy incident. Though, in his thoughts were suspecting much deeper in sense,

(”But why my image though...”).

He sighed later on. He turned his face towards Ru beside him. Soon, he opens up a sensitive conversation that would delve upon her personal life, while he was showing a complacent face,

”So...err...instead of a reward...I wanna know what's your relationship with...Mai...”.

As Ru heard that from him, her look that was filled with happiness was gone and it was replaced by a sorrowful frown. She held down Zeran's hands on his lap. The atmosphere became still and cold. Then, she looked at him with a serious look on her face and said,

”So you're interested in that huh...okay...”

”Mai is not just a friend of mine...but my only close friend I ever had...”

”Recently...the other dark Goddesses find me weird now since... ”.

She paused for a second and wore a forced smile, depicting a sad woman from within. Though, sometime soon, she continues to tell Zeran her own experiences,

”I'm well...acting and feeling quite differently now than what a Dark Goddess supposed to...”

”So they were are all stranged about me and left me on my own...”

”The holy/light Goddesses and other Goddesses...doesn't like dark Goddesses so they didn't accept me too...”

”But Mai didn't care about that and accepted me as who I really am...”.

He nodded and proved an interested look upon hearing more of her personal life as a dark Goddess. More than that, he replies with added humor yet again, trying to push her buttons, and held her hands,

”I see...so that's why you two have those pictures...”

”Hmmm you said the Goddesses don't like you...how about the Gods then?”

”I'm sure alot of them admire you, especially your beautiful face and amazing body...”.

As Ru heard his sensual flattery, she cracked out a thankful smile yet, it was filled with a hint of sadness seeping from her crystal eyes, that was swelling of pure water and any minute it'll leak out prismatic tears. She responded to him with her normal tone, while she wasn't looking at him directly,

”I appreciate your compliment Zera but...”

”Sadly you're wrong...they don't like me either...”

”If you were thinking I'm fawning my body to them...you are truly wrong about that...”

”I choose who I expose myself to...Zera...”.

Afterwards, she lifted her arm and let him feel the carress of a Goddess on his left cheek. Not only that, she had depicted her signature sinister smile with her intensified eyes looking at him directly yet again. Though, Zeran had already gotten used to her seductive actions but, it might just be he was just delving on his inner thoughts instead, failing to let him observe Ru's attempt,

(”Yeah...no wonder she's still a virgin...”)

(”So she's a decent woman on the outside...”).

Thereon, Ru adds upon,

”And I could say you're lucky to see me exposing myself to you...”.

(”Luck...more like tricking me to become your GOLDEN RETRIEVER...you teasing demonness!”)

,while Zeran commented expressively in his thoughts to Ru's added statement. Later on, Zeran and Ru weren't communicating with each other anymore, as they were feeling an awkward hidden barrier between them, since they opened up a sensitive topic before. In addition, both of them weren't looking at each other and they were busy with their own simple matters somehow. Ru was swaying her right maiden hand and fixated upon the waters of the clear shallow spring. As for Zeran, he was engaged by the Ru plush doll struggling and trying to pull out the small blue crystal stuck from the ground at the distance yet to no avail, it wasn't near its goal. Even though, there was a barrier between them, it seemed like they understood more about each other, especially for him. Not only that, even with the winding silence between the two, the two of them were feeling secured and soothed being near each others presence. After sometime, Ru asks Zeran, while she was still focussed on flowing her hand soaked in the water,

”Say Zera...do you find it weird...for someone to be too different?”.

He responds,

”Hmmmm...not really...in fact I find it awesome...”.

While she heard that unique compliment from him, she cracked out a heartwarming smile in a glimpse, although it was soon replaced by a seductive grin on her face, leaking out her intense obsession instead. She lifted her left arm up high and snapped her fingers forcefully that echoed throughout the place. Suddenly, the relaxed Zeran sitting on the shallow waters was made to lie down forcefully and hang above the waters with the ethereal chains of purple shackled tightly upon his limbs and arms, as those chains were struck at the caverns corners. She went to the panicking Zeran and proved a lewd eager smile to him and humming of grave interest filled with passionate hearts was heard from her mouth. Then, she said,

”With this...time for you to eat...my dear Zera♥”.

In turn, he wore a shocked expression on his face, proving he was being held captive again by the dark Goddess herself once again, although this time he was filled with some kind of excitement too and he blurts out,

”Don't tell me...”


Ru replies with passionate hearts on her eyes. A smile that speaks of great engagement and said,

”The less body movement...the more you'll recover hmmmm♪”.

As he noticed her unique actions of great passion and deep interest, he was filled with great disturbance in his very emotions. Moreover, he noticed that the chains were tighter than ever before, making him to resist any means of freedom and turning him to take on the offer of his predator. A little while later, Ru brought out a great amount of food from her picnic basket that had emerged in an instant. She let him fill Zeran's appetite and energy by feeding him lots of roasted baby back ribs seeped in tasty and mouthwatering worcestershire sauce, amplifying its amazing meaty flavors. Next, he was offered by some scoops of steamin' mashed potatoes although, since his stomach was already full from the baby back ribs he had eaten before he wasn't able to finish all of his second meal. So Ru, took them down and ate all of his leftovers. For some reason, she was feeling an intense sensation while she was eating Zeran's unfinished food that Zeran had touched, while she wasn't letting him see her eating it behind his back. Her ears were tingling with excitement. Her eyes were looking with hearts of deep engagement as she was gulping it down. Though, it seemed he was feeling a bit uncomfortable, while he was seeing Ru's ears twitching and her tail wagging like an excited dog but, he didn't mind it that much, since he was also feeling a sense of happiness of seeing her feeling joyful upon her hearty meal. Lastly, she tried to offer Zeran an immense number of cookies yet, she noticed that his tummy might explode from being overfed, so she suggested to him that to keep it in his own convenient personal inventory for the time being, in which he did as he was told and transferred all of them in his dimension inventory. The two were having a sweet time looking at each others eyes. Suddenly a huge rich velvety armored shell came crashing down upon the vacant side of the spring, that made the water to wave and gush out intensely. Zeran looked surprised and his entanglement was gone. As for Ru, she wasn't shocked, instead her face turned stone cold and her eyes looked deadly. Thereupon, she said in dark monotone with great emphasis,

”So it entered here...even if...”

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”This is a SACRED GROUND...”.