21 CHAPTER 21: Serpentine Circus (1/2)

Soon, series of bright lights flashed and faded into the blackened stars of distortion multiple times in front of Otorine. Shunya turned white as she saw the shocking lights that wasn't very holy to observe. Otorine shunned-off her eyes using her hand, since it was too blinding even for a Goddess to see. As the bright lights had stopped blinking and vanished into the fray, Otorine opened her eyes. Thereon, her eyes witnessed the striking appearance and form of Goddess Ira wearing a devillish smile in her very expression, that would seep fear to anyone's line of sight.

Goddess Ira had a similar appearance to Queen Fae yet, she still has some noticeable differences. Goddess Ira has silverine lips that was glistening in the starlight. Her face was riddened in lavishing make-up of an aurora that made her look-like a popular hostess. Her whole appearance was more matured than Fae's. Goddess Ira has a deep scar on her neck. Her glass skin amplified her awe-striking and gorgeous outlook. Her outfit was a flawless and silky white one-shoulder long dress that was dyed and inked in abyss black as it goes below her hips. Her flawless hands were wearing white gloves, yet as it goes near her hands, it becomes the deep void as the darkness. Lastly, the hair ornament on her was an extravagant black rose that revered of such dark omen. She's a light Goddess like Shunya and Otorine yet, she had the same twisted aura of Fae's that transcended beyond. Later, Ira spoke to the two with her maiden-like mid-pitched voice of great maturity, filling the air with a thick atmosphere of terror in its wake,

”Let's just say...”

”He wants to save this TRULY GORGEOUS and AMAZING GODDESS from a DEMONIC dark God in another world...”

”Although...in the end everything he does shall only crumble in DESPAIR...”.

She twisted her curvacious body, turning her to look away from Otorine and Shunya. Ira turned her face to the left-side and saw a glimpse of the two. Then, her eyes were shut and looked into the abyss with a malicious grin, as she said,

”Since I don't wanna be saved anymore...”

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”Instead...I want him to fall into the pits of DESECRATION...”.

In a blink of an eye, Otorine tried to slash Ira's vile face using her shiny fanblade with immense force but, Ira's putrid rusted metal wings that shimmered had emerged from her back and blocked Otorine's attempt instantenously. A strong clang echoed throughout the room and screeched anyone's hearing. Not only that, Ira held down the oncoming attack and she knacked out an evil smug on her face. Otorine's calm and serene outlook was no longer worn on her face, instead it was masked by an enraged woman's face, since she couldn't believe what she just heard from Ira's malicious mouth. As the air was getting heavier, Otorine exclaims with all her gushing wave of rage for Ira,

”You ungrateful woman!”

”After all the sacrifices he had made...”

”The scars he let me do unto him...”

”In exchange for the blasphemous deeds he had done...”

”This is what he shall get from the woman he'll save?!”.

Ira twisted her whole body and deflected the fanblade strike, followed by an impressive gale that spread out illusion-like blades and revealed her razor-like wings in an utterly majestic manner. Otorine was thrown away through a short distance. Though, she regained her composure after. Her body was scraped with fresh wounds, especially her face and her kimono was tattered on some of her upper body parts, although her kimono regenerated back to its original form in a rapid pace, that was releasing bluish fragments of light as it recovers back, yet her face hasn't recovered from the fresh wounds, as her face leaked out a small amount of crimson crystals falling unto the floor. Suddenly, Ira went close to Otorine and gripped her neck in a tight hook of a demonness claw. Otorine gasped for air. Shunya felt even more terrified, as she was witnessing the horrifying incident of her dear friend who she looks up to her as her big sister. Her scarred tears were relentlessly falling. She was feeling a deep struck of pain and sorrow. Ira didn't care much for li'l Shunya, instead she left out a grin and said to the clawed Otorine,

”Oh? Let's just say...I've grown quite fond living my whole life in despair and sufferring...”

”Who knew it would be this pleasurable and sensational...Once you are DEVOID OF MORALITY...”

”I think I'm gonna have an ORGASM by just thinking about it...”

”On what HE shall DO to my amazing body next...”

”You should try it too...Otorine and li'l Shunya...”.

Ira tightened her hold on Otorine's gasping neck and proved to Otorine a heartless expression of chilling death. Though, Ira had second thoughts and flung her away to the frozen Shunya. Otorine coughed for air and Shunya tried to make Otorine feel better by giving pats filled with great concern. Then, Ira said with great malice and sheering coldness,

”I'll also tell this too...”

”Once that Zeran guy DIES at HIMENEA world...”

”He shall live on in MY BEAUTIFUL world...”

”As embedded in his THREAD OF FATE...”.

A little while later, she felt her lower lips by utilizing her delicate left hand and she wrapped around her own body by using her other vacant hand, depicting a very yearning slutty pose and continues to say with a scary smile on her face,

”Hmmmm...I wonder what ruptured face he'll show once he's drowned in deep despair...”

”I hope it's better than Nassus's face before he was killed...”

”More that that I wonder how my DAUGHTER Fae's doing...”

”Anywho...farewell you two...”

”And say hello for my dear Nassus would you?”.

Afterwards, Ira walked away from the two Goddesses and vanished herself into the fray, not leaving any speck of dust of her existence unto the very place. The air of malice and chaotic atmosphere had ceased. Otorine and Shunya were no longer feeling the scarring death's door near them but, Shunya was still shaking in fear of the haunting incident that had happened before. Sooner or later, she hugged Otorine immediately. While Shunya was still hugging Otorine such as a scared li'l sister, Shunya uttered weakly,

”Big sis? Is she really a light Goddess like us?”

”She's really scary...”.

Otorine's face had calmed down and her aura was no longer masked in deep hatred, instead it flows like the calm river. Soon, she patted the head of her li'l sister-like Goddess to relax the unnerving feeling of Shunya. Then, Otorine said,

”She is still a Light Goddess yet, her light was...”


Though, her thoughts were delving much deeper, that seemed she wanted to ask Nassus,