Soon, Zeran and Ru went to the weaponries shop that had a wooden sign of a sword on top of the door. As soon as they entered, the chimes strung and created a soothing sound of welcome. More than that, the whole place looked-like an average shop, with its glass encased swords and blades. Some other weapons were being hanged upon the wooden walls showcasing the shop's merchandise. A carpet of yellow along the way. At the distance, they saw Gav the owner the shop at the counter. He kinda looked-like a pompous but trustworthy guy, looks more mature than Zeran. Gav had short hair ridden in all deep black. He had noticed Zeran. Later, Gav calls unto him with his deep male voice and confident smile,
”If it isn't Zen...”.
Zeran responds to him in a kinda friendly way,
”Yeah...long time no see Gav...”.
The two of them went near and hugged each other, since they weren't been together for such a long time as close companions. The two had stopped hugging later on. Ru went near Zeran. She let out a smile directed at him in a subtle manner and gripped his sleeve, trying to say to him that she is very eager about her stolen artifact. Zeran kinda understood her gesture and he asks Gav with an unsure look on his face,
”Oh yea...I wanna ask you something...”
”Very serious...”
”Do you still have that...Mandra or something?”.
Though, Gav had his sights on Ru with an interested look yet, in order for Zeran to not notice his engaged look at Ru, Gav suggested in a calm manner at him, trying to clear out sudden suspicions that would leak out,
”That huh...let's talk about this in private...”.
As Gav had turned around, he was wearing a terrifying and maniacal mask upon his face, yet, Ru and Zeran didn't seem to witness his demonic grin. Though, Ru kinda felt that something is very off about him and the situation they were in, even if the two guys were close companions. Afterwards, the three of them had entered the other room. It was a smaller room but, the air around the place was very heavy. As soon as the two entered the room, Gav locked the wooden door, turning Ru to look more and more cautious of Gav's behavior, sadly she doesn't want Zeran to know of her suspicion on his friend. Sometime soon, Zeran and Ru sat down on the two metal chairs beside. While Gav sat on the brown sofa that says ”Gav's ” in the sofa pillow. Gav looked at them with his complacent expression and said,
”So ...before I tell you about that THING...”
”Could you introduce me to your GORGEOUS female companion?”.
His question made Zeran to scratch his head and made him feel kinda flattered even in his look. Though, Zeran still tries to respond in the utmost understandable way but hiding some sensitive bits with white lies,
”Gee...Uh...her name's Ru...”
”She's my new client, since she offered me a quest of finding some certain artifacts...”.
Zeran took a glance at Ru looking very daring to see and collected in herself, such as she was a high status aristocrat maiden to anyone's eyes. Though, it seemed he was also kinda mesmerized by her intense beauty and he exclaimed in his thoughts with a mix of adoration and confusion,
(”Well I must say...Ru's beautiful and hot but...SHE'S THE EVIL GODDESS FOR PETE'S SAKE!”)
Gav knacked out an evil grin in a sudden glimpse, As he had heard Zeran's introduction to Ru, although in a split second, it was easily covered by his friendly smile. Then, he gave out his hand in a formal way and says in a calm manner to her,
”I see...”
”Well...it's a pleasure to meet you lady Ru...”.
She gave out a friendly yet, subtle smile and shook his hand with her slim left hand, accepting his greeting,
Although, she felt that his grip was kinda predator-like and not that very gentle, despite his gentle outlook. Not only that, her eyes to him were very irksome to see in a split second. As soon as, they were done with the introductions, Gav leaned upon his sofa, looking very relaxed. Later, he says with sudden flattery at Zeran,
”So you're a treasure hunter and quest hunter now huh Zen...”
”Now that's the kind of King we need...”
”He still helps the measly troubles of others no matter how simple...”.
Zeran was quite flattered in his very expression. Yet, he just convinces Gav by saying,
”You could say that...”.
Soon, he recalls in his thoughts the very definition of the statements Gav had said before,
(”Quest hunter...meaning people who take on requests from others...”)
(”And it seems...Everyone here haven't heard of the news yet...”).
Then, Ru turned her face at Zeran. She kinda praised him with her grateful nod and endearing smile. As he noticed Ru's face in a glimpse, he felt awe-strucked, with that he just responded out a confident smile upon his face. Gav had a cold stare at Zeran for a brief moment since, he was witnessing that the two were somehow close at each other. Gav was leaking out an envious aura although, he just brushed it off with a composed look and said,
”And this GOLDEN MANDRAGORA is what you're after huh...”
”As a reknowned merchant, I'd say this'll cost you...1, 000, 000, 000 Himes...”
While he brought out a miniature mandragora; a root crop-like monster that has a terrifying screaming face in its very putrid form. A miniature statue tinged in glistening gold, that was very noteworthy to look at and somehow cute. Ru looked glad with a sudden endearing smile since, she saw one of the artifacts she was looking for. As Zeran heard the mind-boggling price, he was utterly shocked in his very expression that gave him shivers even in his thoughts,
Although, to let things to be still civil enough, he just knacked out an awkward smile, that was oh so very hilarious to see and he says, trying to negotiate,
”Y-you're joking right?”
”B-but...we're friends right?”.
Gav looked with his eager eyes and replies,
”Well if you put it that way...why don't we negotiate...”.
While he brought out a remote control and pressed the red button. Suddenly, Zeran was immediately shackled and chained down unto his chair, restricting all of his movements. The atmosphere became heavy and chilling cold. Zeran was very surprised and he squirmed quite helplessly in response, yet to no avail, it was all futile. Instead, he exclaims from the top of his lungs with an angered face,
Likewise, Ru was also chained on her chair with golden shackles instead. Gav went close to Zeran's face and gave him a maniacal grin, that would seep fear to anyone's vision. Soon after, Gav uttered out his words directly,
”I'll be blunt here...”
”If LADY RU, DO me here...then I'll oblige to give you this artifact...”
”And even free you...”