7 Prince Farlene (1/2)
Actually Will didn't want one of Darius' arms, no he wanted Darius dead. They began shoving him around, punching and kicking the living daylights out of him. Will had hoped to be able to goad Darius into doing something stupid like fighting back, that way his swift death would seem justified. But Darius just did what he had always done, he simply covered his head with his hands and took all of it. As he looked around the crowded street barely anyone even noticed what was happening, or at least they pretended not to as the few people who did notice acted as if nothing was happening as soon as they saw the regalia covered clothing Will and his companions had.
To Darius this was just like the orphanage again, so he simply laid down on the ground and tried to protect his head as best he could. Will was running out of patience, in his mind this coward had obviously recognized who he was and wouldn't dare lay a finger on him.
”Fuck this shit, I'll end it here myself.” he unsheathed a long, curved sword and pressed it against Darius' neck.
”Damn it! I survived the bus just to get killed by this asshole? Is this really how I die?” Darius thought to himself as he felt the cold steel pressed against his neck.
Will on the other hand looked back at Jade, who was standing just behind them with the other girls. All of them were begging them to stop and leave Darius alone, after all he hadn't actually done anything wrong. All except for Jade that is. Her calm, expressionless face looked on and when she saw Will hesitate and look back at her as if searching for her approval and support, she simply nodded, meaning he should get on with it.
Will steeled his resolve as the blade trembled slightly in his hands. ”I'm William fucking Rylen! My father is the Gerald Rylen!” will kept repeating this over and over again in his head as he mustered up the courage to finish this. In his mind, he was a Rylen, even if he wasn't his fathers favorite so what? He knew that like all his other misdeeds his family would find a way to sweep this under the rug.
He breathed in heavily as he slowly lifted the sword. But just before it descended Will found himself in a rather precarious position, someone now had their own sword pressed against Will's throat. A voice coming from behind him then said, ”Kill my friend here, and I'll slit your throat.” Will could see his companions backing away in fear but he didn't care, he was seething with fury as he turned to look at the man with the death wish who would dare defy William Rylen, buts as soon as he saw who it was all the blood drained from his face and he turned ghostly pale.
Will immediately bowed down, dropping his sword onto the ground and clinging to the slight chance that he might get out of this alive. ”Prince F-Farline,” he stuttered as he tried his hardest not to wet himself. ”F-Forgive me my lord I did not know he was your-”
”Shut up.” prince Lionel Farline interjected. He had just finally caught up with Darius only to see him being beaten half to death by these nobles. William knew that if Lionel saw fit to do so he could excecute him right now, without batting an eye, and William's own family would've been able to do nothing about it. At that very thought Will lost control, urinating uncontrollably. ”Ugh, you disgust me.” Snorted prince Lionel as he withdrew his sword from Williams' neck. ”Either way, you wouldn't be worthy to die by my blade. Now leave.”
”Th-thank you, my Lord.” Will squeaked the words out and quickly backed away with his head lowered, not daring to give his back to the prince.
Lionel then sheathed his sword into its scabbard. He stretched his hand out so as to help Darius stand up. Darius looked at Lionel for a moment, his friendly face beaming down on him. Darius declined the offer and decided to get up on his own. He could still see the disdain on his face, no matter how he tried to hide it.
Lionel frowned slightly but no matter, he had found the perfect man for the job and he'd be damned if he let his pride get the best of him like those other high born fools. Lionel considered himself as being much more intelligent and level headed than them.
As Darius had begun replacing the contents that had fallen out of his bag, Prince Lionel crouched down to help him. ”I hope you don't mind.” he chuckled as he picked up a hat and a scarf that had fallen out of Darius' bag and put them on, trying as best he could to cover his face.
Darius said nothing but simply kept placing his belongings back into his bag. ”Well you're very quiet aren't you?”