Vol 3 Chapter 12 (1/2)
at 21st of October 2019 11:08:57 AM
Chapter 12
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes . Why react like that if you haven't heard the name?… He mentally sighed .
”What group are you from, if you don't mind me asking?” Micheal began to wipe the edge of his blade on the ground of the roof . Some of the blood from the Morenkai had landed on it after he cut through it and released his Grandmaster Sword Mastery Ability . He couldn't maintain the cutting layer of energy for too long at his current level of strength .
”Uh, not at all, sir! We are humbly part of the Mayoral Alliance! My name is Lana, a Third Wave Chosen! How should I address you, sir?” The woman hobbled over and picked up a handgun she had dropped as she spoke, nodding at Micheal respectfully .
Lana felt a subtle feeling of raw danger whenever she looked at him . The man had the eyes of a vicious predator, breaking down anything and everything in sight . She felt at her very core that if she tried to attack him, she wouldn't stand a chance . The man before her was an expert . As a result, she didn't dare act out of line .
She pulled out a small red pill from her pocket as she finished, swallowing it whole . Micheal recognized it as a Low-Tier Healing Pill, a magical medicine that could boost one's Recovery stat temporarily, allowing one to heal from injuries at a much faster rate .
”You can call me Micheal . Oh?” As Micheal heard the name of the group, memories flashed into his mind .
Back in his first year, when he was still on the First Layer, Micheal had constantly been out grinding up Points so he could purchase the Ki Cultivator Ability . He had made some friends after a few months of constant training and work, but none that he truly trusted . They were more allies of convenience, working on the same Hunting Team . He'd never felt that feeling of camaraderie or trust that he felt with s.h.i.+n .
Most of them had died well before the final battle took place . He couldn't even remember most of their names, though if he saw them he'd recognize them .
His first year had been an incredibly lonely one . As one of the weaker humans in the First Layer, his original run had been brutally hard . He had experienced things… seen things… things he would never allow to happen again .
And as his mind flashed back, one memory, in particular, showed up . The memory was a bit vague, but Micheal could remember the conversation, if not the faces of everyone in it .
He had been talking to one of his 'friends,' an overweight Middle Eastern man named Karif . They were hiding down in a skysc.r.a.per, a group of them hanging out together and playing poker with some cards they'd found in a drawer .
Karif had shared some gossip he'd heard .
”And it turns out the Black Flag Pirates Pirate Commander Devin took over two-thirds of the G.o.dfather Organization's territory in a surprise attack . ” Karif spat into a trash can he'd pulled up to the side, chewing on some tobacco .
”They d.a.m.n near cleaned s.h.i.+p with em', the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds . Not that I care much either, mind, the runts the G.o.dfather Organization saves are a waste of s.p.a.ce . But someone's got to take em in . Not good to kill so many of em . ” He leaned over and spat again, shaking his head .
”Hmm?” Micheal had been surprised to hear that . The G.o.dfather Organization had quite a bit of influence . They could be found all over in thousands of separate Cl.u.s.ters . Their strength, however, was spread extremely thin as a result .
All of the truly strong experts would remain in the Main Cl.u.s.ter, trying to tackle the stronger Morenkai that could be found there to gain Points or move up to the Second Layer .