Vol 3 Chapter 9 (1/2)


at 21st of October 2019 11:09:00 AM

Chapter 9

The first thing Micheal noticed was the silence .

Eerie and quiet, little sound could be heard . There were no birds squawking, no cars moving and honking, no children laughing or yelling .

It was silent .

Each skysc.r.a.per was set pretty far from other skysc.r.a.pers . They weren't as cl.u.s.tered as they normally would be on Earth .

Instead, they were spread out by a large 6 lane road, back on the ground level . This meant each skysc.r.a.per was around 30 meters from any other skysc.r.a.per . Over such a great distance, sound would carry quite poorly, especially when people were trying to be quiet .

No one wanted to alert the Morenkai to their presence, even if you were hunting them . After all, hunting down 1 Morenkai at a time was much easier than taking on a whole group .

”Hmm…” Micheal turned to the left and right as he fully stepped out onto the roof, his sword strapped into a sheath that came with it on his waist .

There wasn't anything on his roof currently .

He walked over to the edge of his roof, looking down .

More than 100 meters stood between him and the ground, a height that would instantly kill even him if he fell . Down on the ground level, he could make out various figures moving on the sidewalks, occasionally crossing the street .

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”The Morenkai…” He s.h.i.+vered slightly despite himself, pus.h.i.+ng back his own horrific initial memories of the creatures .

”They're active down below, which means they're hunting up top as well . ” Occasionally, some Morenkai would climb up the sides of buildings, reaching the rooftops . After they made it up, they would wander about aimlessly .

They'd only return down to the ground at random times . The Morenkai weren't always actively roaming . There were usually short gaps that most would take a few minutes here, sometimes an hour or two, where they would enter the base of buildings to rest, lying down on the ground randomly .

It was incredibly unsettling to see . Micheal had never seen it personally, his fights on the First Layer leading him to leave through a brutal melee combat in The Towers . But he had seen pictures and recordings that were brought up the Layers about it .

After confirming that they were active, he stepped away from the edge . He turned to look at one of the bridges that connected to his skysc.r.a.per .

'The central area has the highest chance of Morenkai appearing up top . It should only take a few minutes at most to encounter one if I keep moving . ' Before anything else, he needed to kill a large number of Morenkai . He needed a large number of Points before he could begin his plan to save the First Layer .

'This Layer wasn't meant to slaughter us . Far from it, it was meant to make us stronger . ' His eyes flashed .

'We were simply too ignorant at the time to discover how . '

Advertis.e.m.e.ntHe shook the thought from his mind as he looked over the bridge .

It was one of the rickety rope ones . The bridges that connected each skysc.r.a.per were random . Some were fancy and st.u.r.dy while others were poorly constructed and barely worked . Not all the skysc.r.a.pers were the same height . Some were taller while others were shorter .

The one Micheal was now looking at was 2 levels higher than his current skysc.r.a.per .



Micheal took a few steps forward onto the rickety bridge . He held on to the rope as he moved, his every step sure and confident .

While something of this level would've terrified the younger him, it had little effect on him now . He put each foot firmly on the wooden planks as he crossed over, ignoring the gaping distance between him and the ground .

He quickly crossed over the bridge, finding himself on a new skysc.r.a.per . This one had a slightly raised metal wall, about half a meter in height, surrounding it . There were a few visible air condition units, some vents, and a trapdoor that lead into the bowels of the skysc.r.a.per .

But apart from that, not a soul in sight .

'I think something like 60,000 people arrived in my Cl.u.s.ter, right? There are a few thousand skysc.r.a.pers here, and I think there were around 10,000 people here left over from the first three Waves . ' He shrugged,

'I guess I do remember hiding and resting inside for the first day . It makes sense that it's so empty . Even on later days, I tried to stick to staying inside as much as possible . No one wanted to run into any of the Morenkai unprepared . '

He walked across the rooftop, pausing as he noticed something .

When he moved, he was constantly scanning the environment . He did not lower his guard and was always alert . A single moment of weakness was all it took to die . Micheal's observational skills were built up from years and years of constant training .

This skysc.r.a.per's roof was white, set with long-lined tiles . On a few of these tiles, Micheal made out several large black splotches and a few patches of grey powder .

He dropped to one knee, reaching down and picking up a pinch of the grey powder . He sniffed it lightly and then nodded, discarding it .

”Gunshot residue and the remnants of some fire-based attack or explosive . ” The buildings here might look like ones from Earth, but they were much more durable . Even explosive attacks could hardly damage the roof, leaving behind only a black mark .

He frowned slightly, considering his situation .

Regular guns actually had some limited effect on the First Layer . The Morenkai were extremely tough and durable, but they weren't invincible . A solid rifle could pack a decent punch and knock a Morenkai backwards, though penetrating their extremely dense skin with regular weaponry was difficult .

Special magical weaponry or Abilities from the Shop could make the challenge much easier, especially with the often superhuman strength many people possessed, but the regular type of weapons from Earth were only so-so . Despite that, many people chose to use guns thanks to their long-range capabilities and the familiarity people had with the concept .

A gun was rea.s.suring to many . It offered them solace and a feeling of security, especially from other humans . While the Morenkai had very powerful physical defenses, not too many humans in the First Layer were immune to normal bullets .

Few people also willingly wanted to get anywhere close to the Morenkai . Still, enough bullets could damage the Morenkai internally and cause it to die .

They were still creatures of flesh and blood, after all . They just had a very unique physical makeup that made them very difficult to kill . They also seemed to be able to subsist without eating or drinking anything for long periods of time, making them even more freakish .

The Shop also sold advanced weaponry, including Energy Guns and various weapons like that . There were even Types that could gain special bonuses or powers from using guns .

In the end, however, most people that used guns depended on external power . In the later Layers, the actual power and strength one could wield on their own was far more important . Still, there were a few rare gunmen in the Last Army, using weapons that were bound to one's Ki Cultivation, allowing them to compete equally with physical fighters .

”Is there a team using this area as their hunting ground?” It wasn't completely impossible .

The central areas did have the highest concentration of Morenkai, which meant it was the fastest way to farm Points if you could survive and handle that many Morenkai . Despite that, even the strongest members in his Cl.u.s.ter typically avoided this zone . While handling a couple of Morenkai might be manageable, handling a horde, or worse, some of the special Morenkai… few people would purposefully look for that .

Only the lesser off groups or teams would work here . The larger organizations, like the Saru Group, were fiercely territorial . Almost no one wanted to give an inch of help to anyone else without some type of return . Charitable groups like the G.o.dfather Organization were a rare sight . The apocalypse had, at least initially, brought out the worst in humanity .

He looked around carefully, not seeing anyone else present . He shrugged after a moment and kept walking, moving towards a bridge that connected to this skysc.r.a.per . Overhead, the bright mid-afternoon light of this Layer's sun beat down, with a few clouds drifting across the blue sky . This Layer was very similar to Earth in some aspects .

As he walked up to the bridge that connected to another skysc.r.a.per, Micheal froze .